9:10 am ..... Finally the Conversation

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9:10 am....Finally the Conversation

(pic above is PP Krit from I told Sunset About You.  If you don't know what that is, you should.)  

Ryan woke up. Disoriented for a moment by the heavy feeling on his arm.  He leaned up on his elbow. Then smiled. And sighed. Cameron, his Cameron, was snuggled up next to his chest. Ryan looked down in awe. When he slept, Cameron's face was relaxed, his mouth slightly open, taking in small breaths. The dark haired boy leaned down and kissed his baby gently on the forehead, laid back down and pulled him closer. Nothing on this planet, nothing in the universe was going to take Cameron away from him again. Never. Not even his own stupid self.

He couldn't believe everything that happened. Couldn't believe he'd gotten to have sex for the first time. With a guy. But also just the first time with anyone. The farthest he'd been, sexually, was touching Amy, his last girlfriend, on her boobs. He'd felt obligated, because she seemed to expect it. But Miranda....he didn't even tongue kiss her. Girls just....were...were...whatever. Boobs, soft, squishy. He basically felt nothing. But Cameron...Ryan had sucked on Cameron's dick and it made him feel like every tiny square inch of his body was on fire. Just thinking about last night, Ryan ran his tongue along his teeth, starting to heat up again, feeling Cameron's breath on his naked chest. He needed to stop that train of thought; he'd put Cameron through enough last night. Four times? Is that really what they did?

So...dicks, yes, boobs, no. But was it dicks plural? Or just Cameron's dick? Was he really gay? Could you be gay and only want one boy? Weren't you supposed to be hot for lots of guys? Did he think other guys were hot? He put his hands gently in Cameron's hair and imagined himself kissing Nate. Then stuck out his tongue and shook his head. Revolting!! Disgusting! He rifled through the mental images of all the guys he knew, his lacrosse friends, Nate's buddies. The group of kids Miranda hung out with. Teachers, celebrities. Nothing. Well...hold on. Some of Miranda's friends seemed obsessed with some Sunset show or something from Thailand of all places. He'd just seen a clip as they giggled together, but there was a guy he saw that stopped him for a second. He had a really sweet face. So...maybe it was true. Maybe he really was...gay.

It felt so hard to add that label to himself. He had no problem with Nate or Cameron saying they were gay. That didn't push any weird buttons for him; but he looked at the ceiling and admitted honestly that he was very uncomfortable with saying he, himself, Ryan, lacrosse player, awesome guy, was gay.

He scrubbed his eyes with his free hand. This was too much. He refused to think about it right now. All he knew was that he was holding Cameron and that he was never going to let him go again. That he would do everything in his power to make him happy and to make last night repeat for the rest of time.

"I love you, Cameron." he whispered, kissing him on his lips softly.

Cameron's eyes fluttered, then shot open. Seeing Ryan bending over him, he first flinched, then squeezed his eyes shut. No no..ok...ok...that's right. Stupid Evil Asshole had become Ooey Gooey Lover Boy Ryan. He ran his hands through Ryan's hair and Ryan sighed.

"Morning Cameron."

"Morning Ryan."


Cameron stood at the top of the stairs as Ryan bounded down, full of energy, powered by his crazy happiness.

Ryan turned around, and saw Cameron  above him in the landing, motionless.

"What's the deal, Juliet?" he said, quizzically.

Cameron frowned, and ducked his head and mumbled something.


Cameron gritted his teeth and repeated, "I don't think I can get down the stairs."

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