Just for Fun Part Three: Jason

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JFF Part Three: Jason

A/N: Reminder, this story is being told around the campfire on a camping trip after Diego/Nate, Cameron/Ryan graduated college. Jason kept in touch with Cameron and joined the trip with his husband Kyle. Kyle is in the tent asleep. Ryan is in Cameron's lap asleep. The other's are telling stories about what might have happened if Ryan had never moved in with Cameron. So this version is told by Jason, which is important to remember when reading.  Also, I know there was great discussion regarding the controversial nature of Jason's relationship with Cameron. There will not be a repeat of any questionable behavior like that in this chapter. Still, skip it if you so choose.

"Hi, Mr. Jefferies!!!" the girls called out, as Jason walked by. He smiled, nodded his head and waved back politely as the girls giggled and covered their faces.

"Hi, Mr. Jefferies!!!" the boys from the soccer team called out as he passed, shifting his laptop case to the other side.

"You sure are popular, Jason," Mrs. Deagon, the physics teacher, laughed from her door, as he fiddled with his keys to enter his classroom. "Only a month into school, and all the students love you. You must be an amazing teacher."

Jason blushed and shrugged. "I just try to respect them. They know I care, and they are all the best kids, really. I'm pretty lucky how much they all love learning."

Mrs. Deagon chuckled. "Don't be modest! Everyone says you're amazing. I heard the principal say she received hundreds of emails from parents, praising you and thanking her for hiring you. And even your lowest group of kids, those seniors in Algebra two, they improved so much, once you started teaching. Be proud of your hard work! You've earned it!'

Jason shook his head modestly and went into his classroom, to prep for the day. It was a bright October morning, sunshine glinted through his windows, casting a warm glow on the shiny clean desks. Ahhhhh, he loved his new job, and was proud of himself. Many people warned him that teaching was far more challenging than he'd expected, but he didn't see it that way. He loved his students, loved teaching and felt great that he was making a difference.

By the time his algebra two students streamed into the door, he was two cups of coffee in and feeling it, giving every student who entered a high five and a warm word of welcome. At first they had been suspicious and disdainful of his friendly attitude, but after a while, they realized his joy was sincere and they acknowledged it with their own friendship and respect.

He stood in front of the class, a cheerful smile on his face. Looking back at him were 35 amazing kids, struggling in math true, but still bright and eager to learn. They knew that Mr. Jefferies had their back and would bend over backward to make sure they learned this year. And he would! He loved his job!

The only person that still struggled, despite his amazing teaching prowess, was a boy named Cameron Tanner. Cameron was every teacher's pet, because he had grown up in the school system; his mom was a teacher and a leader on many committees and in the union. Jason made it his primary goal for the year to help Cameron learn to love the intricacies and beauty of math.

There was a little bit of a challenge though. It was very obvious that young Cameron had a crush on him. He followed Jason around campus at times, bringing him treats and sighing when Jason said hi to him.  It made Jason uncomfortable, but knew it was natural.  After all his teacher was extremely handsome, and Cameron was innocent and impressionable.  Of course, he'd have a crush on Jason.  


The campfire popped, as Jason paused in his story. Cameron gave Jason a look. A dry, you've got to be kidding me look.

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