JFF Part Four: Diego (part one)

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JFF Part Four: Diego (Part One)

A/N: So....ok. Be warned. Diego gets his turn to tell a story where he is Cameron's love interest. I had every intention of writing a touching, serious and amazingly romantic story. Which I will do. After this one. I had an idea. Maybe it was a bad idea. But I literally can't stop thinking about it. I had to share it with you, my loyal readers. Please be kind. And allow me my moment of insanity. And remember this is Diego telling the story, and in this story, Ryan doesn't exist. And....please understand, it's meant to be funny. I hope it will be funny. But it's a few pages in. You're going to have to wait for it.

The bell rang. Bored kids, happy kids, lazy kids, excited kids, high kids, depressed kids, shy kids, extra kids, singing kids, crying kids, rainbow kids, straight kids, neurotypical kids, atypical kids, every kind of kid, shared one thing today. They were all here, filing into their classrooms, on the first day of school at Jefferson High.

Diego Manuel Alvarez was just another kid. Just like all the others. Except he had a secret. It wasn't a huge secret. His close friends, his family, they knew the secret. But almost everyone at school didn't. This secret didn't consume him. Didn't keep him up late at night. Didn't give him anxiety. He could imagine that for some, it would. For some people, this kind of secret would rock them to the core and make them question everything in their lives. But nah, for Diego, it was just part of him, something he was born with. No big fucking deal.

He walked in and out of classrooms. Taking notes. Books. Binders. Pencils. Blah blah blah. He did ok in school, it wasn't a huge part of his life; just something he put up with. But he wasn't a slacker either. He did his homework, studied for tests. His mom, Rosa, would kill him if he came home with a report card with C's or D's. In eighth grade, Diego was grounded for three months when he got a B- in math. It was his least favorite subject. Tedious. Dry. Bor-ing!

So when he walked into math class on the first day of his last year of high school, he was mentally prepared to check out. None of his close friends were in this class. Which sucked. For the last three years, his cousin Flavio had been his math study buddy, having used some kind of mysterious mojo he had to be scheduled with Diego. This year? Nope. Bust. Flying solo.

First row was not his deal. He moved to the second to the last row, nodding at a few people he recognized. Another boring year in math, but, at least it would be his last. Well for now. Diego wasn't sure about college, but he was keeping his mind open to the idea.

Then a miracle happened. A miracle from Heaven. God answered Diego's unspoken wish, granting him something he even hadn't considered possible.

That boy, that angel, that vision, that luminous morsel of kitten like cupcake, walked into the room, hesitantly, head down, hoodie up, and sat....





Diego kept his eyes ahead, ignoring the jackass of a teacher, some new, no name shit who obviously had no clue how to teach. Just trying hard not to turn and stare at the boy next to him. Because he was afraid if he did, fricking hearts or some shit would shoot out of his eyes. Or worse. Diego might say somethings, some stupid ass lame thing that would haunt him forever and ruin any chance he might have.

The one thing he did listen for, when newbie Mr. Jefferies spoke in his annoying whiny ass voice, was attendance. What was the kid's name? What if it was something dumb like Gerald or Franklin or Harold?

Roomies (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora