Oh well..

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The morning aroma was filled with an amazing scent brought by the burning candles that were almost dying out....

Apart from that hypnotizing smell, there was a beautiful voice singing through those built in speakers ..
who cares who was singing but it was music alright...
It kept all chaos and fatigue at Bay ..

The room was peaceful ... everything was just stoic and calm ...

Although everything screamed expensive it was yet simple.., the bedroom was very big that it could be decided into four rooms..

Spacious space that light flowed smoothly and lively.
It was simple, but it was this simplicity that made it magnificent .

Three large windows were still covered in pearly white heavy curtains.. which reflected the milky white walls and the ceiling..
The ceiling had wonderful built in bulbs that made it look so beautiful to stair
If the room was dirty then it would have been very easy to notice..but the soft white fur carpet proved otherwise
The furniture were not far behind too.. Everything was just too neat...and clean
Just like the owner..

To him ,this was a normal house, ...but to the rest of the town a mansion

At the moment , he laid on his bed facing the ceiling as if figuring it out..
Or maybe wondering the change in songs,...right now a man was singing softly, perhaps jazz ...he wouldn't know because he certainly wasn't paying attention to it.

He was still in his sweatpants.... because of his terribly ended date with Isqaar he had decided to call in sick..he really did feel bad..and his eyes a bit swollen no one was ever allowed to see him like that
When the song had changed this time he seemed to notice.. maybe because it Disturbed the peace he had been left with
What was it..funky?..

"Shut up.." he groaned and said lazily and the system shut off

Once more the peace had been Disturbed by the rumble of his stomach..
he now recalled that he didn't have any breakfast, when he was about to...
he had an unexpected visitor ..the night before had also passed in a daze as he had drowned himself in work to forget the date ..

the plan was similar in the morning..
plan the next bombing..he had doubts if His partner had done this since he clearly told Naseer

"I'd do it.."

Now he cursed himself for clinging to it

Two weeks from now .., Abdulraj Hasheem would pass Lahore , he take the Eastern route with his entrouge to Islamabad..
where there was a festival and he was the guest of honor..why?
Because he was the Prime Minister
And so here was were Sabri's mafia got in, their aim of wiping off all insufficient leaders. One would ask how Abdulraj was insufficient..but according to Sabri he was ...

This was the most wretched part of the country..no enough social services, the police force was a joke

A month ago, the mafia carried out the security Minister's assassination..
if he couldn't do his job..they were happy to help..
Everyone knew who did it but no one rose a finger

Now they'd go for the bigger fish
But the bigger the fish the harder..

Many attempts had been carried out to assassinate Abdulraj but I'm vain
This was his third  year as a primier , before then he was a normal Minister for ten years. It was as if he was born to be a leader .

Ahmed had snapped out of his thoughts and decided to plan later.
Again his mind drifted off to the earlier visit..
When the bell ring he rose his brow..

'I'm I expecting someone?'

He smiled upon seeing who was by the door through the screen

"I knew you missed me..
But I wasn't expecting you this early.."he said opening for him to come in

Naseer rolled his eyes

"It's almost noon.."

Naseer took time to study Ahmed's eyes..

" didn't get much rest huh..?"

Ahmed shrugged..then stretched

"I was working.."

"Then you called in sick.." Naseer said with a small smile..

"I am ...I feel like shit" Ahmed groaned

Naseer nodded ..." I told Sabri I'm taking off some days.."

Ahmed was calm and collected...but Naseer knew him more than anyone..he was surprised

" I still need time to know if I can give her what she wants.." Naseer went on

"I want to know if it's worth it" he finished and turned to Ahmed who wore a smile now..

"You don't know how peaceful that makes me.." Ahmed said
Naseer smiled

"And I hope she feels the same way.." he said but the hint of sadness clear in his voice

Naseer frowned.." whatever did you say to her last night that she cried all night..?"

Ahmed rose his brow.." she cried..?"

Naseer looked at him with a serious expression.."You are my best friend .. but I won't hesitate to behead you the minute you hurt her.."

Ahmed smiled..." I will never forget that.. so to keep her happy I'd leave it, I don't even want time to think about it I'd change my mind..I don't want to repeat the same mistake"

Ahmed said turning away..
Naseer knew,...he'd want to be alone..so he gave him a small pat on the back then left

Right now Ahmed kept replaying the visit in his head ...but what Disturbed him most was the call he had received afterwards..from Jafar

"Don't even think of withdrawing from the mafia right now...I have something to tell you.."

And so he had been confused..

So confused

He went to the fridge then picked an apple..

Jafar was not picking up his phone infact it was now off
He stood up..he now knew what he'd do..

He run in his room and picked up a shirt..not even minding the color then picked up his car keys and run out..
He knew what he wanted..

Hit that 🌟
Iloveya'll ♥️


My Twisted MafiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang