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Turns out that nobody slept that night...
I did not sleep too but lost in thought..
I knew it was now morning because I heard movements and shuffling... What I didn't expect is hearing shouting
I rolled my eyes..

What now

I woke up did my routine and carried my bag I didn't bother looking back because for the first time in weeks... I wanted to get out of here...
I just wanted to leave
So I picked the last bit of my stuff and without a second look behind I walked out...
As I drew near the stairs the shouting got louder and I realized one thing I only heard one voice..
I started getting down.. true to my suspicions Jafar was pacing around the living room shouting insults at...


I frowned at the peculiar behavior..
Ahmed who seemed not to care.. correction he didn't care at all ..he was just sitting down on his favorite couch

What? I observe him alot..

He leaned in, his face facing the ceiling, eyes closed...
It was as if he was asleep..
Or was he?
I caught few times when his brow twiched .. okay not asleep

" What the hell!?.. it freaking four am.. what are you shouting about?"

I almost jumped when Naseer spoke from behind me.. he passed me leaving a small pat on my back

" Morning" I mumbled in response

He was now in front of them rubbing his temples ..

" I'm having a killer headache and it's worse thanks to you two.. " he shot daggers at both but Ahmed seemed obvilious of the tension

Jafar huffed and turned to us..
Well that's something I've never seen on his face...

He was angry
No... He was furious
I wonder why..
He stormed upstairs without saying a word to us...
I frowned

" What's wrong?"

As if on queue Ahmed slowly opened his eyes. He sat up facing us..
I didn't know if I was Imagining it or so
He looked different...
His eyes were cold..
There was no hint of warmth that I was used to.

" Jafar will take you to the airport" he said no hint of emotion in his voice..
I blinked twice..

"What do you mean take us to the airport?"Naseer asked clearly he was as surprised as I was

" I meant what I said... If you delay you'd have to use a cab" he said simply shrugging

I felt like someone glued me to the ground.. why did I feel heavy?

" Okay chill man ... Where is your laguagge ?" Naseer said

" I'm not coming"

Five seconds passed...
Five seconds of silence.
I felt something dig my chest... It hurt so much..
Naseer laughed..
I don't know what hurt..
The coldness in Ahmed
Or the fact that my brother thought he was joking

" You've woke up with a jovial mood my friend" Naseer said " now let's get going"

Ahmed did not move nor respond

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