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After shutting the door he sat opposite to her across the room..

" Why are you still here.. didn't I tell you to leave..?" He asked her..

She was curled up.. still in his clothes..
She was making no attempt to answer..

He glared at her.. " we can't just give each other silent treatment Shira..  .."

" We had sex.." she said

" Why.. I'm engaged.. you knew.." he asked

" You could have stopped me.." she said

He stood up and shut himself in his room he knew she was right..
He didn't try to stop her..
He wanted her..
More than he ever wanted anyone else..

Shira stayed by the living room..
Her head also jumbled up..
She tried.. she really did..
She tried to act as if she didn't care..

Breaking up with Ian had been hard .. especially after six years of dating.
She was not serious in her senior year to get into ivy league colleges..

Yet she did..

Well ...  Daddy's dearest money..
Getting there was one thing
What about staying..?
When she met Ian.. she was a freshman..
She asked him to show him around the campus..

He was still awkward around girls and she used to tease him for that. ..

' date me then..'

His jaw dropped...

' you are so cute .' she picked his cheeks..

So constant tutoring turned into dates.. well she called them dates
She couldn't deny.  She had fallen for the cute nerd..

Why did they break up again..?

She wanted to change him ... She wanted him to leave work and party like her

' why not.. my dad has lots of money..?'

When he called her spoilt..
She got mad at him and broke up..

So today she was supposed to forget all that and let him marry someone else..
Someone he just met..
Someone way younger than she..
No way

She sighed remembering the previous night events..

She had called him..

' Ian.. I'm sick.... '

There was a long pause then he spoke up..

' have you.. you know what normal people do.. go to the hospital?'

She rolled her eyes.. ' Ian.. I'm --

He had hanged up..

She decided to give him a visit..

Truly she felt sick.. was it her tummy.. her joints .. her heart... She didn't know..
This was a new disease to her

She couldn't even drive so she hauled a taxi

Stepping to his doorway brought so much memories.. she almost cried

' Shira..?! You must be really sick..' he said upon opening the door

' Ian.. ' she begun but the tears blurred her eyesight..

He pulled her in..
' it's cold' he said

' what's wrong..?' he asked her..

She couldn't bring herself to speak..
She was just sobbing..

He didn't give it a second thought..
He pulled her into a hug..

And she cried in his arms for so long..
When they let go.. she made no attempt to step back..

' Shira..'

How could she when he was looking at her like that ..?
She decided to take the risk..
She pulled his face to her and kissed him..

She was only hoping.. he'd see what she felt..
How she felt..
To her surprise..
He kissed her back..

What was he doing he had thought.. he shouldn't be doing this..
But there was all that spark that she hadn't felt for so long..
Not even with Isqaar

It was that minute that he realized..
He never stopped loving her..

She snapped out of her trance of thought after the bang

She looked up to find him dressed up..
He had his laguage ..

" Where are you going..?" She stood up..

He sighed..
" This was not right Shira.."

Shira opened her mouth to complain
But he went on

" I'm not saying what we did was wrong.. or a mistake.. but I'm not saying it was right either.. "

She looked down.." I couldn't loose you Ian.."

" I know.. but we hurt someone who was already hurt alot... We did that to her.."

She was quiet..

" And I can't keep staying here where she'll see me and constantly be reminded of our betrayal.."

She looked at him wide eyes..

" This is forever..?"

He nodded..

" take me with you.."she said

He shook his head..
" No.. the only way I'm ever going to be with you again.. is if Belle forgives up..I'm sorry Shira.. "

Her eyes well up..
She took a step towards him and hugged him..

" I love you .. you know.." she sniffles

He hugs her back..
'' I now know that you do.."

He couldn't believe.. neither could she..
This was not how he ever dreamed his wedding to be..
Yet it was..

Hit that 🌟
Iloveya'll ♥️

My Twisted MafiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin