harms way..

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Naseer tried to master calmness, but the situation was not on him..,
after the doctor had left he expected to get some rest and time to think how the hell he was gonna fix this..

But the current matter at hand was also overwhelming.

"So you are telling me that Sabri sent men to kill her?"

Jafar nodded

" Soon after you left ,he gave orders..I had to call Ahmed and warn him not to quit today"
Jafar said

" if I wasn't there they would have killed her and went on with Isqaar next.. "

Naseer sighed tiredly, he was not angry as Jafar expected, he was sad..

" Why..?" He asked quietly like he was asking himself

" He thought the girls were pulling you guys down" Jafar explained

" Well that's just crazy" Naseer almost snapped.

Jafar rolled his eyes
" Took you long enough to realize huh?.." he said

Naseer glared at him
" If you think Sabri loved you now he gave you a reason to rethink about it.. if he really loves you he wouldn't want you to feel the pain of loosing a sister and a girlfriend at the same time---

" She's not my girlfriend!" Naseer snapped

Jafar shrugged.. " not the point though, .. Sabri only loved your fury, if he can't have that then you are of no use" Jafar said

Naseer leaned back on the wall..

" That fucker.." he cursed

After a long thought he looked at Jafar who had few bruises and cuts..

" No one knew it was you who saved her right?" He asked

Jafar shook his head. ." I also think that their aim was not be known, because they dressed up like local police, just in case they failed the mission you and Ahmed will never know" he explained

Naseer rose his brow " then how did Ilham know they are Sabri's men?"

Jafar shrugged.. "maybe she caught few sounds she was familiar with, after all she's very familiar with them"

Naseer nodded though not completely convinced
Jafar yawned.. Naseer could see he was tired after all he did fight the men alone...

" You knew Sabri was a bad man when you joined us" Naseer stated

" Everyone knows that..it's just you two"Jafar said

" So why did you agree?"
Jafar shrugged" I guess I loved you guys..it felt nice to have people to worry about me.. with that love I could enter any harms way"

Naseer rolled his eyes but his heart swelled

" Don't say girlish shit like that, you are a man Jafar"

Jafar laughed ..  " I don't bottle my feelings like you and Ahmed.. am a free soul" he dramatised the free soul part

Naseer suppressed his smile..

" Did you come with your car?"
Jafar nodded

" Good, start it ..I'll be back In a flash" Naseer said going back in..

He had hoped that when she got in Ilham had quieted down..
So he was glad when he found her laying on Isqaar's laps, she had worn an emotionless face .. that to him was better than bawling her eyes out ..
Isqaar also gave him a cold look.. he knew why so he brushed it off with a serious face too

My Twisted MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora