Pain and cheers...

539 39 2

The food was really good..
I always tell Ilham how blessed she is..
but she of course is waiting for his compliment..when he was done eating,he pushed the plate away and stood up..

"How was it " Ilham clapped excitedly

"Okay I guess.."he turned to leave
I rolled my eyes....

"Okay I guess"I mimicked  quietly

"Isqaar you've something to add?"

I blinked once...twice..

"No brother.."

"Why are you home today?" She asked

"Let me rephrase that for you..why are you at my home?"

She fidgeted with her fingers ..

"well it is  Issy's

"Good stay in your boundaries"he snapped

I sighed..well my heart did ache for her.. really bad
She smiled

You go girl!

"Love has no boundaries.."she said

He sighed.."again with the love shit "

"Can I stay with you...?"she pouted

"Follow me"he said with a dejected sigh...
her eyes lit up...

When he got to the door he opened it and signaled her to get out first

"Ohh..what a gentleman"she purred

When she was out Naseer shut the door with a loud bang that I jumped..then he turned to me...

"I can't stand her" he walked past me..

"Don't open for her"

Everyone deserves to be loved...why are you doing this Naseer?

I sighed as I crashed on the couch..

Poor day she'll just give up..

I sighed..maybe I should just let them fix their problems alone ..

Ahmed would be here any moment..
I rushed to my room to get ready ..
it's  not like I can wear anything more pretty considering my

lovely Town

so I wore very respectfully..hmm...comfy

And lame..

Urghh who are you By the way

Am you

Shouldn't you be by my side? I groaned..I didn't bother to look at the mirror I just got out..
Why is my heart beating this fast..maybe am just nervous

Because you're not beautiful

I shook my head and sighed tiredly

'I will deal with you later' I muttered ..

Maybe all this nervousness has made me I head to the kitchen and grab a glass of water and gulping it down..I pour another glass

"So this is what you normally do on your birthday"

I almost drop the glass..when did he get here he always this silent.. nervousness soon catches up

"Huh..?"my voice comes as a whisper though

he chuckled I made a fool out of myself
Naseer was leaning by the door frame holding an Apple

Huh..we had apples?

You bought those

"Getting all dressed up and..what's next, attend your own party with imaginary guests.?"

Ouch..I think I moved past that phase

"I..No, actually..I..I..---

"I don't care anyways.."he said before leaving..

I gulped the water and threw myself on the couch..
a familiar pang of rejection,pain washed me..
I stayed like that for an hour or so till I heard the door bell..,
I kept my veil pretty well and run for the door,I took few breaths before opening the door..

"Are you expecting Santa,open the Damm door already.."

And the awards to the most silent walker ladies and gentlemen.., Naseer Tarun '

Like did he get here..?

I sighed and opened the door
I was greeted by a million Dollar smile

"Happy birthday princess..--"he paused then frowned.."why are you crying?"

Huh..was I ?,well done Naseer

"Joy..''i said..

he didn't look like he believed it but didn't push it any further and I'm glad.
He gave me flowers and a card I looked at the items in my hands and smiled like an idiot..

"Thank you"

"You look beautiful by the way.. decent,but beautiful"..

he smirked and I blushed taking the time to gawk at him..
he was in a navy blue shirt his three first buttons undone ,he had folded his hands flexing his muscles making him even hotter

"We should really work on your guest welcoming skills.."

My eyes snapped to his face and there it was,his smug look with a raised brow and an amused smirk

Realizing that I,as usual have not let him in I quickly moved aside
He got in ,once he saw Naseer by the couch typing away in his phone he smiled


Not for you girl

'' I'll just..uh...go keep these.."

I referred to the flowers and the card..
I quickly run to my room ,placed them with others and did a quick happy dance..and then

You know in all your birthdays, you go out with Ahmed , Naseer is normally not around

My eyes snap open .. suddenly I forgot my dance and ran back to the living room only to be welcomed by a heated glaring contest..

A wave of panic Suddenly hit me ..

What if he says No..

Then happy birthday to us

I don't know how to feel when I see him sigh

"Bring her back before Dawn, and no funny business"

Ahmed gave him an innocent look

"Why I do not know what you mean "

Naseer rolled his eyes and went back to his phone..

I'm so happy..

Ahmed offers his hand ,I take it and we walk heart flutter for this man I swear
Before heading out I took a last glance at my brother..
finding him already looking

"Thank you"

Something flashes his's almost like he doesn't want me to go

Ha don't say..

Hey I Know what I Saw ..

"Yeah whatever.."he say dismissively

Still thinking he doesn't want you to go

Urghh. Get lost sub concious'

And by that we walk away hand in hand..

Wipe that silly smile would you?

I sighed


Short chapter yes...but I'll update another sooner...I promise 😌
Blacsolá 🖤

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