Birthday princess

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When we got out, we found a car waiting for us as usual..,
just like every year.
But of course as always I am flattered..
He opened the door for me and he also got in

"Where are we going?"
I asked

He smirked.."you ask that question every year.."

I sighed after his answer.."and you never tell"

He chuckled..

After that I spent time looking outside..the town was quiet today... people moved quickly and quietly, their moves reflected their fear.. ..I know fear when I see it..and I know why they were scared

Sabri of course

Only Sabri's men could afford an expensive car like this so people were in their best behaviors
I hated to see people like this because I know how if feels like to be scared ..

"Next time..can we just not use a car.." I asked him out of the blue

He didn't answer right away
I looked at him

"Mhhh"I grunted just to make sure he heard..

"Why..?" He asked

I again looked outside..

"the people.. They looked scared.."I just said..I was at loss of words

He felt as if it was sarcastic..

"They should be" he said quietly but surely I could sense the coldness in his words that made me a bit scared

I never knew he had that

"Why?" I don't know where I got the courage to ask

"Isn't it obvious.." he said calmly
but he didn't proceed further. As if I was supposed to know what followed..

Afterwards my mind was busy ..
I asked myself a couple of questions, what he meant,and why?..
he has never spoken like that and his tone surprised me ..the Ahmed I know wouldn't speak like that ..

'do you Even know him?'

my subconscious snapped
Of course I do..I mentally did an eye roll

' is that why he had never told you about the mafia? '

Why am I even conflicting with myself..if he wanted to tell me he would.. after all, all signs show..

' then why are you so desperate to know?'

Forget all these .., today is your birthday..
Perhaps,I could change him

I was brought back to the present by his gentle nudge

"We are here.."

I looked was a beautiful landscape I didn't know it existed..

"Where are we?" I asked

"My secret spot "he said

I smiled... because I thought it was cute

"Where is it?"
"If I tell you it
be a secret anymore, would it ?"he smirked

I sighed.."fine.."

He got out and helped me out
The place was filled with green grass and white if a beautiful blanket covered the ground..

"I figured you hated fancy so.."he shrugged and pocketed his hands
"I dunno.."

I turned to him as he spoke...

"It's more than enough" I said with a smile

After he set up lunch we are up in silence I felt as if there were no more words to tell him
No matter how many times he does this,or where ..I always feel special and loved
After a simple lunch ..I turned to him

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