The fury..

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One thing about living in Lahore is most of us are Muslim ,
and I love it..
but the boring thing is that Sabri acts as if he is the only one who knows the religion than the rest of us

Women suffer the most..we are forced to wear such hideous clothing..

Cover our heads ,and so forth ..
I don't blame it but sometimes it can get really annoying..
like when you get out of the house well dressed and his men come harass you claiming that it's not long or wide enough

I only dress like that because I feel comfortable..

' God I'm so thirsty '

I think in my head
I come to a sudden halt when I notice a lot men on a jeep others walking around with their guns just by quick glance on their robes and scarves tied on their heads..
I knew who they were


I have to find another way or else I won't be able to get it out of this town
I quickly turned around..and begun quick paces holding my breath


My eyes bulged out..I don't know if it was me or not...but I.won't stop..I keep walking..


Even louder this time..

'Ignore them maybe they'll give up'

Following my clever feet Cary me as I run..till I don't hear them anymore..

I stand to catch my breath..noticing that I've run a little bit more than supposed .I felt a common tightness in my I took noisy breaths..

'Not now Issy...please'

I shut my mouth closing my eyes to calm myself down..
when I am about to get up I notice it's a bit darker ..
wait isn't it still four..
I clearly remember it to be as I crossed a shop a while back..I stood up and came to know of the mystery sudden darkness

"Salaam" I say nicely

What you can't blame me that's how I am

"What are you doing up at this hour "

one guy spits..and I swear his teeth were yellow

"Going home?"
I tried to make it obvious but it came out as a question

"Hmm"he looked at me like how a prey would

'Please let me go'

Then they exchanged looks before again turning to me..this time another asked

"And where are you from?"

"Market"I said

He looked at me ,more like beyond me..and I noticed the mistake I made..the market is in the eastern side..

"Friend...I visited my friend afterwards" I said quickly to correct the error

He smirked.."what do you have"


"From the market"he stated

"Uh..I..gave it to my friend"I said then smiled at my awesome attempt that I know I have achieved

This time he chuckled..and said to his friends

"she thinks we are stupid.."

'Aren't you??''

And they share a crazy laugh.
When they stop he turns to me with a serious look that I flinched

"Where is it..the bomb?''he snaps

The hell!

"What bomb"I ask puzzled

"We know you are going to bomb somewhere"

I'm loss of words
And only one thing bring me back to my senses

"Search her..take of her veil and if it's a must the dress too"

I gasp as I hold on tight to my shawl

"You can't" my voice came out as a whisper

One police grabbed my veil and forcefully pulled it ..throwing it to the road side..

"YOU CAN'T..!!"

I shout even louder
But in response I received a classic slap that I only saw eyes welled up

'Don't cry'

I stood still waiting for their disgusting hands to pry my dress..but that moment,never came
I opened my eyes only to be welcomed by their scared faces


I follow their eyes till I meet up with one person standing behind me..

and boy he didn't look happy..I wonder why?

'Maybe because you were running away'

my conscience snapped

The tears that I held involuntary fell I sniffed..
he shifted his gaze from the cops ..down to me his brown eyes hooded with ice..
intimidating yet I saw another thing flicker which I didn't quite get it he walked past me
He stopped in front of the officers

"Having fun with my sister?"his cold voice full of venom and mock

" si---

"I didn't know you stammer"
Naseer mocked

"We were just doing our job"yellow teeth guy spoke

"Harassing girls?"

"It's none of your business"he spit

"Oh oh..I'm I the only one who sees how he clenched his fists.."

"It became my business when you decided to mess up with my family"

He sneered
My heart swell..

'He cares..'

"It would have been better for Sabri 's men to do this"he said


"We were just being never know who Sabri would use next"
the officer said with just same amount of mock..

With one blink the officer was on the ground I gasped..
maybe a bit too loud for Naseer turned to me..
then looked back at the officers as if conflicting with leaving them

He turned to me held my hand and started dragging me away...
He didn't stop he just walked on and on..meanwhile my head blew with what ifs

'What if he's angry..but of course he is..but why..I'm leaving aren't I?  Why did he come for me..or did he ..?what if he was just passing by...oh what if..

I am roughly snapped out of my thought by sudden halt that I bumpy hard on him

"Ouch"..I rubbed my forehead..

when I looked up on him when I found him glaring down to me..

we have just made eye contact...

something we hardly do...
I felt cold shivers  ..
i felt so small and as nothing...
if it was possible smoke could be coming out of his nostrils

I look down..

"I'm sorry.."

I say in a small voice..
The next thing he does..takes me by surprise

✨✨✨✨short chapter I know..but I promise you more if you stay✨✨✨✨✨
Ilovey'all ♥️ blacsolá 🖤

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