Deja Vú..

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So there were bright lights...
And dark had consumed her..
She would have sworn death tasted like nothing..
It was just emptiness.

In the mid of God knows what time, when she felt like she was moving and her eyes lazily opened..
It was still dim..
Slow jazz played..

' huh..!? Heaven?..'

She wanted to raise her head from the leathery material but her head pounded..
Still she picked she was in a car..

Her weary eyes met the driver's in the front mirror and found him already looking..
Yet cold..

" Rest.."

That was what she heard before she felt something sharp pierce her skin..
Then she was drowsy ..
She didn't fight it..
She let darkness come sweep her away...
She wished she'd choke her own saliva in that darkness..
And never awake again.

It was official..
She hated the colour white.
Last time she was hospitalized for almost a whole year, when she had woken up..
Everything was white..
Even the man standing beside her was in white..

' how long was I sleeping..?'

They were never too close..
Why had he come back for her several times..
Where was Naseer ..?
Where was Jafar...?
No what about Isqaar..?
Did they catch her too that day..?

' not long..four months..'

She gasped..

' where is everyone else.. ?'

At last she had asked.  She was so scared of the answers

' they thought something bad had happened to you. So they left to safety..
I had to look for you..'

' are they okay?' She was worried..

He smiled kindly..
' I will soon send you to them..'

When he was about to leave she called him back

' Ahmed.. why did you save me.. ?..'

He looked at her for a while..
' because Isqaar can't live without you.. '

' what about you..she loves you no..?'

He sighed.. ' well.. not anymore..'

A deep frown plastered on her face as she met the colour white again..
.. and when she realized she had just recalled events from last year she cursed

Everything looked the same..
Almost bringing the deja Vú feeling in her gut
Only that now.. not everything was in white..
He was in black..
He freaking interrupted with her fate...
She clenched the sheets tighter

" How dare you save me..?" She seethed

" I'm sorry I don't go around knocking people dead.. I don't do free death delivery.." he glared back

" Why didn't you just run me over.. ?" Her voice broke.. " I can't live anymore.. he doesn't want me .. he was just like them.."
She mumbled the last part . ..

then her eyes lit as if she had an idea..
But he saw it first before she did..
He knew she was gonna jump off and fled to attempt another suicide.
So he pinned her down and press a button..

Soon enough .. she was off to sleep again..

" Is she going to try that every time she wakes up..?" The nurse asked

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