Noble deed

426 33 21

Dedicated to Gamba200
     Happy birthday hun

As soon as the Christmas carols came and New year's fireworks
They also ended ...
But not her heart ache..

It was hard not to hear people speak behind her back..
After all..
It was a small town..
Similar to the holiday celebrations... words too died down too..
After January was done with

All this though did not stop her to live her life..
After Jafar and Naseer left for Pakistan.. the three girls decided to stay together
She'd wake early and go to work.. she had a smile plastered on her face as she attended her customers no matter they said behind the back she knew they did not mean harm ..
It was a small town and people talk to pass time..

Ilham and Camilla however, felt bad for their friend.. Camilla never seized to throw dirty glares at the people speaking on Isqaar's failed wedding.. and she made sure they noticed ...

Isqaar did not hear from the men..
No one could reach them.. this just increased her worry.
Even more.. in the mid of February Ilham got sick ..
Pale and frail..

" You are not taking your meals Ilham.. " Isqaar scolded

" I don't know Issy.. I just miss Naseer, and I ... I'm worried Issy.. this is February for heaven's sake.." she didn't mean to.. but ended up snapping anyway

" They'll be back... Have faith.." Isqaar said as she closed the diner..

Camilla was looking at the starless sky ..
She couldn't believe it.. she was also worried..

" It's gonna rain.." she said..

Isqaar looked up.. " hmm.."
Somehow the gloomy sky reminded her of something..
It dug up what she had buried long..
Something that made her cry every night when the world was asleep..
She was awake..
Hoping at the other side of the world he was awake too..

" I feel like that sky.. so empty so void of light.. wouldn't it be better to be dead..?" She turned to the girls..

Camilla gave her a sympathetic look...
She didn't want that sympathy though..
Had she listened to all of them she'd be happy..

" Everything is heavy inside ... I wonder alot of things.. this is love right??.. what kind? Why does it hurt so..?" She closed her eyes to relish the moment. ..

And for the first time in a long while..
Her tears fell down her cheeks..

" Oh Issy..!" Ilham threw her hands around her.. rubbing her back soothingly..

" Inshallah they will be back.. and you'll have your Happy ending too.. " she said.

" If anything I learned I'm my dutiful Sunday school class is.. God is love.. and he gave us the right to love too.." Cami said

As Isqaar and Ilham parted they both look at Cami

" What else did you learn in Sunday school?" Ilham smiled at her

Cami shrugged.." something between milk and honey.."

Isqaar smiled.. " so you begun long ago to ignore you're religious teachings.."

Cami laughed.. " at some point there was wine too... I'm sure I took some notes ..."

Ilham laid her head on Issy's shoulder..
" I feel like everything is spinning.. "

" Let's get you home babe" Cami said

Isqaar held her shoulder to straighten her but stop when she stumbled a bit due to the increased weight..

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