Gloomy Decembers..

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".. it was sooo cute.." Cami sighed again throwing herself on the couch

" I still don't understand why you guys eavesdrop on them.." Ahmed rolled his eyes

Currently Jafar, Camilla and Isqaar were in Ahmed's room filling him up how they peeped by the door through Naseer's confession
But all the time Isqaar was quiet and distant

" Hmm .. I mean we had to" Jafar shrugged

" Figures.." Ahmed said stealing glances at Isqaar..
Why was she distant.. did something happen to her?

" Ok I can't do this anymore.." Cami sat up abruptly earning confused looks from everyone

" Do what..?" Isqaar sighed

" I need that romance in my life.." she said

Isqaar rolled her eyes.. " don't be dramatic.."

" No.. I'm not, let's go find a man.." Cami waggled her brows

" no one's getting a man.. we've had just enough men" Jafar snapped

Ahmed looked at him

Isqaar looked at him

Camillá looked at him..

" I mean it's not like I'm bothered.." he said

" Aaanywayyys.. I'm gonna go for a stroll" Isqaar said..

" I'm gonna check some cute doctors.." Cami said

Ahmed frowned .. she didn't even speak to him..

" Isqaar can we talk..?"

" Later.." she said shutting the door..

was she avoiding him..?..
Was she..?
He thought

He looked at Jafar who was the only one in the room..

" Don't you have somewhere to go also.." he snapped

" Geez ... What crawled up in ur ass and died there..?"

Ahmed glared at him..
Jafar took a step back..

" You had one job Jafar.. one job, yet you blew it"

" I tried.. I really did.. turns out the guy built a really strong foundation.."

" Doesn't matter.. what matters is who was always there.." Ahmed almost shouted

" We're you?"

Ahmed sighed leaning back..
" You knew why.. "

" I couldn't just tell her that.. she was so broke Ahmed.. I couldn't do that to her"

When Ahmed didn't respond.. Jafar walked out..
He felt bad.. but somehow knew..
He didn't do anything wrong

Ahmed got up and decided he should talk to her now.
He knew the hospital was huge and he wouldn't know where to start looking

After an hour of searching he decided to go back in..

" Seriously.. I over thought this search alot" he said after seeing Isqaar sitting by the reception

He walked to her
Then sat beside her.. he knew she felt someone's presence
Maybe even saw him come
But she said nothing

" Hectic day huh?!" He said

She shrugged..

" What's wrong..?"he asked calmly..

Isqaar hated that it made her heart clench..
She hated that she missed that voice..
She hated that concern she missed .. .
She hated that she missed him

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