Morning Sickness

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Pins POV

We told our parents a couple weeks ago about the pregnancy. They were all so happy and excited about becoming grandparents. Today, we were going to tell Coiny about the pregnancy, after we agreed to all meet up at the boardwalk tonight, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. The morning sickness has definitely gotten to Needle. Sometimes, she will throw up 4-5 times a day, and is not able to keep anything down. She's also been getting some pretty bizarre cravings. Yesterday, I had to go out to the store to buy some hot sauce for her to put on the strawberries. I even tried one, and let's just say I spent about 15 minutes washing my mouth out in the sink while Needle ate the rest of the hot sauce covered strawberries.

Needle and I decided to give him a call to let him know that we aren't coming to the boardwalk tonight, and reveal the pregnancy along with it. Needle could hardly get out of bed, so we just stayed in our room to call him. Coiny picked up the phone almost immediately after we called.

"Hello" he said

"Hey Coiny"

"Hey Pin, how have you been"

"Good, You"

"I'm doing well myself. I'm excited to see you guys at the boardwalk today."

"Well, about that, it doesn't look like we will be heading to the boardwalk today" I said to him.

"Oh, why not"

"Well, it's kinda the reason we wanted to take you there in the first place."

"Okay, so what is it"

Needle and I looked at each other. We whispered counting down from three, and shouted in the phone

"We're having a baby" in unison.

"Oh, girls, congratulations. Oh my gosh, I totally wasn't prepared for that"

"Hehheh, thank you," Needle said.

"No problem. Let me guess, someone's having morning sickness"

"Yeah, I've been very morning sick. Sometimes it's hard to find something I can keep down." Needle replied.

"Awe, that must be rough. Have you had any cravings?"

"Yesterday, about all she ate was strawberries covered in hot sauce."

"Hot sauce, never heard of that one before."

"Well now you can say you have. Anyway, I have to head over to the bakery soon." I said to him.

"Okay, anyway. Bye, and congrats on the pregnancy!"

"Thank you, Coiny," we said. After we hung up, I gave Needle a kiss on the check.

"Needle, I'm heading out to the bakery for a little to go prepare some of the orders. Text me if you need anything!"

"Thanks Pinny, I'll see you in a bit"

At the Bakery

I was preparing one of our signature macaroons when two people walked in. I recognized one of them as Coiny's band mate, Blocky, and there was a woman walking in with him.

"Hey, Pin is it?"

"Yup, and you're Blocky, right?" he nodded. "And who are you" I asked the woman who walked in with him.

"Hey, I'm Blocky's girlfriend, Taco"

"Nice to meet you, Taco" I said to her. What would you guys like?

"Um, we were wondering what macaroons you guys have, we heard from a friend that there really good here." Taco said.

"First of all, tell your friend I said thank you, second of all, I have some macaroons in the front"

"Are these the only ones you have?"

"No, I have some more in the back, here, let me get them, for now, here is a list a flavors to choose from."

After I got some from the back, they ordered the macaroons.

"Hey, don't you usually work here with someone else?" Blocky asked.

"Oh, that would be my wife, Needle. Unfortunately, she's been having morning sickness and hasn't been able to work as much."

"Is she pregnant?" Taco asked.

"Yeah. We're really excited."

"Awe, congrats to you two" Blocky said.

"Thank you, you two have a good day."

After around another three hours of working, I closed up the bakery and headed home. I felt my phone vibrate, it was a text from Needle.

Hey Pin, can you go grab me some coleslaw. You said you would make pasta and marinara tonight, and coleslaw sounds like it would go good with it.

Looks like Needle is having more cravings.

Sure, I'll be home in around 20-30mins or so.

After I got home with the coleslaw, I saw Needle sitting on the couch watching a show.

"Hey Needzies, I'm going to be cooking dinner, maybe you should go back into our room"

She nodded and went to our room and closed the door. She's been really sensitive to smells lately. If she smells something, she usually won't eat it. I give her lots of credit, she's been a trooper throughout her pregnancy so far.

"Needle, Dinner! I said to her. The two of us were eating our dinner, when out of the blue, Needle started putting the coleslaw on the pasta.

"Babe, you sure do have some weird pregnancy cravings."

"You're totally right, once this is all over, i'll probably gag just thinking about what I ate." She said, I giggled at her.

We were getting ready to go to sleep, and were about to fall asleep, when all the sudden Needle jumps up from the bed and starts sprinting to the bathroom. I followed her, and I saw her leaning in front of the toilet, throwing up. I ran to her side and started rubbing her back.

"It's ok Needle" I whispered to her. She eventually stopped and looked at me.

"Sorry about...that."

"No need to apologize, it's just your body taking its course. Come on, lets clean you up and head back to bed"

After I cleaned her up, I got what we called the "barf bowl" and put it on her nightstand, just in case she needed to throw up again.



"Thank you for helping me through this, it must be a lot for you to deal with me."

"Needle, it's nothing. Besides, I'm not the one carrying a child here."I said while Needle giggled at me.

"Goodnight Pin."

"Goodnight Needle."

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