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Fireys POV

Coiny and I were in a bit of a rush trying to get the twins ready for basketball practice.

"Dad, that's too tight!" Ash said, as I was tying her shoes.

"OK Ash, I'll try to make them a little looser."I tied her shoes looser, and she was satisfied with them. Meanwhile, Rustie was giving Coiny a hard time.

"Dad! I said not to put on the shoe until AFTER the kneepads are on!" She said to Coiny.

"Rustie, I'm trying my best here, just be patient with me," Coiny said. Eventually, we managed to get the kids in the car and corny drove us to practice. We got there a few minutes late, but luckily, they didn't miss much. The girls were dribbling the balls around cones.They seem to be doing a good job.

"Look at the girls go!" Coiny said to me.

"It's so nice that they enjoy playing basketball," I said to him. "The next step is trying to keep them dribbling outside the house." Coiny he let out a chuckle.

"Looks like they're playing a little game now," Coiny said. The girls were put on small teams, and they played each other with small hoops. We saw that Ash was on the court playing.

"Go Ashie," I said to her. Ash managed to steal the ball from the other team and score.

"Nice job Ash!" Coiny screamed. Next, it was Rusties turn to go on the court.She didn't score but she made lots of great assists.

Once the girls were done with practice, we drove to lunch. We met up with Pin, Needle, Leafy, and their kids.

"Hey girls, how did basketball go?" Leafy asked.

"I had fun!" Rustie said.

"That's nice to hear, Rustie."

"Pin, Needle, how are your twins?" I asked.

"Crazy, they have been fighting over everything!" Needle said.

"Firey and I have been there before, when the girls were little, we had to break a toy sometimes if they kept fighting over it after telling them to stop multiple times!" Coiny said.

"Well, we might have to start breaking toys soon if they don't stop," Pin said. Oak and Spindle were practicing some acro tricks near the table.

"Guys, please stop doing tricks, I don't want anyone getting hurt," Leafy said.

"OK," Oak said, and they stopped.

We ordered our food, and that's when Ash and Rustie decided it would be a good idea to start throwing silverware everywhere.

"Girls, stop right now!" I said, with a stern tone. They immediately put the silverware down.

Oaks POV


"Yeah?" He said.

"Do you like dance?" I asked him.

"Absolutely, why?"

"Well, I'm thinking about starting dance. I'll still do gymnastics, but it would be fun to also dance."

"Really?" He said, and excitement.

"Yeah!" I said.

"I would love for you to dance with me, Oak!"

"I would love to dance with you too, Spindle!"

I went over to my mom.

"Mom, mom!"

"What is it, Oak?

"Can I do dance with Spindle?"

"Of course, but you two might not be in the same class at first."

"I know, but I think I can catch it fast."

"OK Oak, after all, you did pick up gymnastics quite fast."

"Yay!" I went back over to Spindle.

"Spindle, she said I could do dance with you!"

"Really, Yay!" Spindle pulled me in for a hug. Our food came shortly after, and we all ate our food. Spindle I played vampire with our french fries.

"OK you too, maybe actually eat your food, instead," Pin said. We listened and ate our french fries. After we ate, we also took a stroll on the boardwalk. We didn't do much, just stopped in a few stores. After a bit, we all went home.

"Oak, do you want me to sign you up for dance this fall?"

"Yes, please!" We got to the computer and signed up for the beginner class. "Thanks again mom!"

"Of course, Oak!" I'm so excited to be dancing with Spindle in the fall, and I hope it's a lot of fun.


Sorry for the short chapter, I thought it was longer then it was! Oh well, at least its done now. Also, sorry for all the typos last chapter (I fixed them now :)), text-speech-was not being good to me. I have part of a chapter from camp left and then I'm done with the camp chapters (yay!). So yeah, I'm exited about having stuff to write again. On that note, thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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