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Coinys POV

I got Rustie in the car as quick as possible and drove to the hospital. I was so scared, seeing your daughter unable to walk is the most heartbreaking thing.

We got to the hospital in no time, and were able to get a room within 15 minutes of us getting there, and we were able to see a nurse shortly after.

"So, what seems to be the problem here," she asked us.

"I had a headache this afternoon, and then I threw up this evening, and now I can't walk," Rustie said, shaking and crying. I went out to hold her hand to comfort her.

"It all happened so fast," I said. "She was fine this morning and then...this happened."

"Okay, we're just gonna run some basic tests to rule out anything obvious, and then we'll just go from there."

The rest of the night was filled with just about every test I could think of. Blood tests, untie samples, reflex tests, just about everything.

Then, I started to have a memory. It was when Rustie was a month old, and she got a pneumonia. I remember her just sitting in the ICU, helpless, hooked up to many machines trying to keep her alive.

Now, she's back here again, not knowing what's wrong with her, and getting all these tests run on her as the doctors are trying to give us a diagnosis. And it doesn't hurt any less then it did before.

Rustie and I hardly got any sleep. We were both exhausted, but I didn't really mind. It would have been hard to get any sleep anyway while trying to think about Rustie.

"Dad, when can I go to bed?"

"I don't know Rust, maybe try to get some sleep now before the doctors come back with the test results."


Around an hour later, the doctor came back with the test results.

"It looks like we need to preform an MRI, it seems as if something's affecting her brain."

That shocked the both of us. Rustie started to cry, so I went and gave her a hug.

"Shh, it's all gonna be okay Rust. There just going to see if something's wrong."

"But what if somthing is very wrong."

"Then we're gonna push through it together, got that?"

"Got it."

One they took Rustie to get an MRI, I thought it would be a good idea to call Firey.

"Hello," he said.


"So, how is she?"

"They we're doing tests on her all last night, none of us got any sleep!"


"Yeah, and now there doing an MRI on her."

"Wow, glad you decided to take her."

"How's Ashie doing?"

"She's doing okay, she was nervous for her sister, and she cried on the way to school."

"Aw, it's so nice that she cares for her so much!"

"I know. Anyway, keep me posted on what happens, let's hope for good results."

"I will, bye!"


Rustie can out from the MRI around a half hour later. They said it would take up to another day to get her results back, which would mean the two of us got to stay here for even longer.

Together We Are (a BFB Pin x Needle Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें