Like Me

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Pins POV

I'm excited to see Spindle dance, it feels like it's been forever! Needle thankfully is able to finish up this cake I've been working on for a while so that I can be here.

I went to Oaks house to pick her up, then dropped the kids off at the front of the studio. I walked in after I found a parking spot and took a seat in the viewing area. I was waiting for Spindle to come out of the dressing room, but then, I heard a voice behind me.

"Pin?" I turned my head around to see someone smiling at me. It took me a minute to figure out who it was, but when I did, I smiled back.

"...Gaty? It's been forever!"

" really has." Gaty paused for a minute. "So, uh, I don't know if you noticed...but I've made some changes to myself since we last saw each other." Gaty was a good friend of mine throughout high school, but we didn't go out of the way to keep in contact with each other after we graduated.

"Yeah, I definitely noticed, it took me a bit to figure out it was you at first!"

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. Well, I guess I need to tell you that two years after high school, I came out as a transgender girl!" I could see Gaty start to tear up, so I went up to give Gaty a hug.

"Hey, don't cry, that's awesome! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Pin, I just wasn't sure how you would react. Also, please use she/her for me from now on."

"Of course. Besides, it would be hypocritical for me to not have a positive reaction!"


"Oh Yeah! Also not long after we graduated, Needle and I started dating! Now we're married and have 3 kids!"

"You and Needle? That's so cute!"

"Hm. So where do you live now!"

"Right across the bridge. And you?

"Near the boardwalk."

""Oh, that sounds fun. So I'm guessing you have a kid in the summer clinic too?"

"Yeah, her name is Spindle."

"Spindle? My daugher was just talking about her ! She said that Spindle helped calm her down when she was feeling anxious."

"Wait, is Fency your kid?"

"Yes! How did you know?"

"She told me about her yesterday. I heard she is really good and was offered a spot on the competition team Spindles on."

"Yeah. Her other dance studio was super strict, so we came to check it out here. She really liked class yesterday."

"I'm glad. Noew things make more sense to me!"

"What things?"

"Spindle told me about Fency Pickets yesterday. I said it probably wasn't you since Fency said she had two moms! But now that I know that you're trans..."

"Oh! Yeah, guess it makes more sense now."

I was about to tell Gaty that Spindle was trans too, but I decided I would wait till after dance to see if it was okay with her. I saw the dancers walk out and start to stretch.

"So Pin, which one is Spindle?"

"She's in the blue in the middle. Which one's Fency?"

"She's in the back with Pink."



"Oh, she just is really flexible!"

"I know! I tell her to be careful, I don't want her to keep injuring herself!"

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