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Coinys POV

There was a fireworks show at the beach this weekend. I called up Pin and Leafy to see if their families could come with us, and they said yes.

I was really excited to go. Fireworks are always so cool, and I'm exited that Firey and the twins get to experience it too.

"Dad, what are fireworks like," Ash asked me. It's hard to believe she's never seen them before, I guess I never bothered to take them, I feel so bad!

"They make bright colors in the sky in all different types of shapes, there really cool, I'm exited for you to see them."

"I'm excited to," Rustie said.

"Guys, we should go soon," Firey said.

We headed out around 20 minutes later, and met up with everyone else on the boardwalk.

"Hey guys, how's it going," Needle asked.

"It's been going well," I said.

"I'm playing on a hockey team now," Ash said.  "I'm the only girl on it though."

"I know how that feels," Spindle said. "Back before I knew I was a girl, I was the only "boy" in my dance class, but I didn't really care, I just had fun."

"That's so cool," Leafy said. "How is Rustie doing!"

"I'm doing good Leafy, I love third grade!"

"I'm glad you do," Pin said.

"Hey, when's the fireworks gonna start," Thimbie asked.

"At around 8, which is in like a half hour," Firey said.

"Do they make loud noises," Alfie asked.

"They do, but it's nothing to worry about," Oak said.

We all went out and got some food from a place that Leafy recommended to us. We went there once or twice, but not often. It was really good!

At around 7:55, we all found a spot on the beach to watch the show

"I'm so exited," Ash said.

"I'm glad, you're gonna enjoy them," Firey said.

The fireworks started going off. It was so cool seeing all the bright colors in the sky.

"Wow, that was big," Alfie said.

It was going fine, until all the sudden, Rustie just starts screaming. It was completely out of no where, she was fine the other day. Our whole group looked at her, and even some families started to look at us.

"IT'S TOO LOUD, IT'S TOO LOUD," she yelled. I could tell she was not having a good time at all.

"What do you wanna do Rust," I asked her.

"IWANNA GO AWAY FROM IT. MAKE IT STOP!" Tears were streaming down her face. I felt so bad for her. I really wanted to watch the rest of the show, but of course I want to make sure my daughter is okay, which is much Moe important.

"Guys, I think I'm taking Rustie home, somethings clearly up."

"Okay, sorry you have to miss it, hopefully Rust is doing okay," Firey said.

"Have fun guys," I said, before I left. The two of us walked home together. Rustie started to calm down a little bit, but she was still traumatized. We got home and went into her room.

"Daddy, can I have snuggles?"

"Of course, come here!" The two of us snuggled on her bed. I wasn't going to make her say anything about the fireworks until she was ready. I don't know what was going inside her head, but I hope she knows she is going to be fine.


"What is it sweet girl," I asked. She started to cry again.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For making you leave, I know you really wanted to see the show, but I was too scared of the noises."

"It's nothing to be sorry about, it's okay to be scared sometimes. What makes you scared of the loud noises."

"It's just I don't like it, I don't know how to describe it!"

"That's totally fine, it's hard to know why you're scared of certain things, but you just are, and that's okay!"

"So you're not mad at me?"

"Of course not, give me a hug!" We snuggled some more, and went to watch some TV.

"Wanna know a secret Rust?"


"Daddy once screamed when the two of us were on top of the Eiffel Tower during our honeymoon."


"Yeah, he was scared. He did what you did on the beach. But he has gotten better with heights over time, and learned that they're not scary."

"Maybe I can do the same with nosies."


"But not today."

"No, it takes time to get over your fear. It doesn't happen in a day!"

"Thanks dad, you're the best."

"No problem, just don't tell daddy I said that."

Firey walked in the door with Ash.

"Hey guys, how was the show," I said.

"It was amazing, you missed out Rustie," Ash said.

"It's just that the loud noises were kind of scary," Rustie said.

"That's okay Rust, we all have our fears," Firey said. "Wanna watch some TV?"

"Yay!" The four of us watched some TV together as a family, giving eachother lots of snuggles


Thought you all deserved a Coiny chapter, it's been too long! Ahh, almost got this out on Tuesday, just a few minutes short, oh well. Not my best work but it's still good. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

Together We Are (a BFB Pin x Needle Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz