Magic Kiss

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Pins POV

Me, Coiny, Needle, Firey, and Leafy all wanted to have a night out on the boardwalk. We dropped off all our kids at Taco and Blocky's house, hopefully they managed everything OK. We all started off the night with a game of mini golf. I ended up being the one keeping score. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, well, except for Coiny.

"Why can't I just hit the stupid ball into the stupid hole!" He was having a hard time with the holes.

"Coiny, do you know what helps to get the holes," Firey said.

"What," Coiny said. Then, Firey gave Coiny a kiss on the lips. Coiny was flustered at first, but kissed back.

"Come on Coiny, let's go play some more." Coiny ended up playing a lot better the rest of the game.

"Looks like Firey had the magic kiss," Needle whispered to me.

"Well, at least he's happy now," I said to her.

"Girls, I can hear you!" Coiny said.

"Well, they are not wrong," Leafy said.

At the end of the game, Needle ended up winning. I came in last. Coiny made fun of me for it.

"Well, I didn't get the magic kiss," I said to him. He gave me a light punch in the arm, and told me to shut up.

We went to a burger and fry place to get some dinner. We ended up getting a family size fry for the five of us to share. Each of us got our own burger.

"Wow, these are really good, I should come here more often," Leafy said.

"Oh, you definitely should, Needle, Coiny, and I used to eat here all the time during the summer. It never gets old."

After dinner, we all went to an escape room that Leafy booked for us. The other four of us had never done one before, but we heard that they are a lot of fun. The room was Pirate themed, and we had to escape the bottom of the ship before we were stuck forever.

Coiny did a great job of keeping in charge of everyone. Needle did a great job of making sure no one got sidetracked. Firey took charge of a lot of the technology in the room, and he also wrote a lot of things down so we could keep track of where we were. Leafy had a very good eye, she was able to spot some things in the room that no one else saw. And I did a lot of the work with locks, since I knew how they worked. With all our skills combined, the five of us got out of the room with five minutes left to spare. We all got a photo of us holding a sign that said "I escaped The Pirates Basement".

We then all went to the amusement park. We decided that our first ride would be the log flume. From front to back on the ride, it was me, Needle, Leafy, Coiny, and Firey in the back. Firey was  a little scared when we were going up the ride.

"Oh, does someone need a magic kiss," Coiny said, teasing Firey.

"Coiny, you better shut up right now."

"No I'm not," Coiny said, facing Firey. He stuck our his tongue and faced him some more.

"Those two," I said to Needle.

"Tell me about it," Needle said.

"Uh, guys," Leafy said

"Wha- ahh!"

We went down the log flume when we all least expected it. We all got splashed at the bottom, and we came off the ride soaking wet. After we got off the ride, we passed the areas where you can get a photo of you on the log for me. I stopped to find our picture, but when I did, I started laughing like crazy! The photo showed Coiny and Firey messing with each other, Needle and I talking to each other, and Leafy staring into the camera in fear.

"Well, looks like I have to buy this to keep with me forever." Coiny got mad at me when I bought the photo, but I didn't care, it was just too funny.

It took us a while to decide what ride to go on next, but we all eventually decided to go on the tilt-a-whirl. The ride had a maximum of 3 people per cart, so we spit up, having the girls in one cart, and the boys in the other. I sat in between Leafy and Needle. When the ride started, we didn't spin to much, but then, it started to spin really fast. Needle was having of fun. Leafy and I were to, but we also got a little dizzy.

After the tide stopped, the three of us were all giggling. We went to go find Firey and Coiny, when we see Coiny running to the trash can, with Firey following him. We also followed them. Coiny then hunched over the trash can, and started to puke. Firey rubbed his back, while the rest of us stood near by. Once he was done, Coiny, picked his head up and looked at us.

"Sorry you had to witness that guys," he said.

"Coiny, it's all good, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Not really, I started to feel sick before the ride started, but it was too late to leave."

"I'm sorry about that, looks like we're gonna have to call it a night," Needle said.

"Yeah, besides, I'm starting to get a little tired anyway," Leafy said. The five us were walking to our cars, when Coiny ran to another trash can. I threw up again, with Firey rubbing his back.

"It's okay Coiny," Firey said.

"Thanks dude, I think this is more then just the food and the ride," Coiny said.

"Yeah, I wouldn't think that you would throw up twice after a tilt-a-whirl," I said.

"Yeah. Well, looks like we have to part ways now, see you later guys," Firey said.

"Bye," I said. "And remember, if he does it again, he might need a magic kiss to make him feel better."

"Oh you be quiet Pin."


I love this chapter, a personal favorite of mine. Also, all the camp chapters are done, so now I can write new content (yay for me!). So yeah, I'm proud of how this came out. Not much else to say here, see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

Together We Are (a BFB Pin x Needle Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin