Chapter Nine: The Prince's Garden

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A loud gasp came out of me as what I saw was like mother nature's heart. Pretty flowers of each kind was in the massive greenhouse, with some I had never saw before. We took a stroll around, the sound of the fountain in the center to be heard.

"Why this is lovely, your highness!" I said in awe, smelling the white lilies in front of me. I looked at him at the corner of my eye, a blush coming across his cheeks. "It is?" he raised a brow, a bit stupefied from my compliment as if he never expected that. He looked away and fiddled with his fingers a strand of his blonde, silky hair.

"Yes, your highness. The flowers are very lovely. Even a painter can't capture the essence of these beauties!" I went on but before I could say anything further, I stopped myself when I saw Nikolas staring at me with astonishment. A deciphering look, like he was trying to figure out if all I said was a lie.

"Your royal highness, is everything alright?" I questioned in a worry, taking a step towards him. He blinked and for a moment, he didn't seem to have processed what I just had said with his eyes fixated on me.

I called once more, this time he brushed through his hair with a small smile. "I'm very sorry, my dearest (y/n). I think you just captured my heart with those lovely words of yours," he chuckled with his eyes closed.

"I took delicate care of this garden from head to toe (y/n), it's my own sanctuary," he went on and looked at me with glistening eyes. "And you're the first to ever compliment my own little place." he let out a quiet laugh, sorrowful eyes suddenly appearing for the slightest second.

For that moment, I thought I saw an ordinary boy. A man without a plastered charm on his face, just like the look I saw while I was going on with my admiration of his garden. A sincere smile came across my face and I tittered out a giggle, "Your highness, I'm just telling the truth," I replied with my eyes darting around the garden. "This place is divine."

I felt a warm touch against my hand, when I darted my eyes down it was Nikolas who held it with both of his palms pressing against my hand. I glanced up to his blue eyes as he kissed my knuckles, "From all the girls I've met, you (y/n), is already making me feel something that I never thought I could feel," he said, dozing off in the sky.

"I supposed it's because...I love you?" he said with wide eyes, looking back at me. My heart skipped a beat while my cheeks felt warm from the sudden confession of the prince.

I faltered my eyes to the ground and stepped back, "That's a bold thing to say, your highness. You already love me because I complimented your garden?" I let out a quiet chuckle to myself.

"Many ladies had come here before you, lady (y/n). And they're no different." he rolled his eyes, wrapping his hand around my shoulder as we took a stroll around the garden. "May I ask why?" I questioned with a soft tone, looking at him at the corner of my eye.

"They're all scared of me and jittery and...well..." his words trailed off with each step with a puzzled look plastered on his face. "I felt like they just want to use me to be richer and to brag about!" he fumed with knuckles clenched and furrowed brows.

After hearing his words, I somehow felt some sympathy for the prince. To be used like a bank was never ideal, nor will it ever be. "And how do you think I'm any different, your highness? I might just be using you all the same." I questioned, suddenly feeling that today was the day I will rue.

He laughed and shook his head, "I don't think you will, my dearest (y/n). The first time I saw you in the crowd, you were a living wallflower! I was supposed to ignore you, for I had no interest at first. sucked me in like a magnet, and I thought that it might have been fate," he explained with enthusiasm as he turned to me.

"And fate did not lie, my dearest." he winked, pushing me closer towards him.

We heard footsteps from behind us, as we turned around, we were met with Aleksander who stood inches away with busy eyes that only looked down on a book. He closed it shut and finally gazed up to my eye level, making me look away after remembering Nikolas's words from before. Somehow, it intimated me.

"The Queen would like a word with her lady (y/n), Nikolas." Aleksander spoke in a strong, demanding tone. It makes me puzzled to configure on who was really the eldest sibling for Aleksander's features and attitude are way more sharper than Nikolas, who maintains a ragged reputation and a prince charming-like attitude besides his crueler side.

"What for?" Nikolas asked with caution, his voice coming out harsh with stern eyes. For the first time, I never saw him this stoic even when threatening me in hand of marriage. He looked at Aleksander with clouds of hatred, even if he didn't tell.

Somehow, it felt like he over towered Aleksander with the change of attitude, and it made me shiver from the sight.

I don't think I know the crowned prince at all.

"She gave no details, Nikolas," he replied with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just let the girl go, I have no time to waste." Aleksander said calmly, sliding out his golden pocket watch with the imperial family's crest engraved on top. With a flip of his wrist, the golden watch opened as he rolled his eyes back to Nikolas with a tapping foot.

He let's go of me as Aleksander reached a hand out for me to grab. Nikolas snatched my hand and looked at Aleksander with furrowed brows, "I'll escort my lady, Aleksander. You can go," he said, turning to me with a smile.

"Shall we?" he chuckled and led me the way out of the greenhouse in a hurry while he put a hand around my waist to keep me close and away from Aleksander.

I could hear the other prince's footsteps getting farther away as we walked from the opposite direction to the other exit.

When we arrived in front of a door, Nikolas let go of me. We heard footsteps from the hallways as a man came to view, it was lord Brooklyn, one of the knights named Maven who traveled through shore to try and defeat the kraken. He waved a hand to Nikolas as he waved back.

The doors opened and I was faced in front of her majesty the queen. "Ah, I'll leave you two to it then, my dearest." Nikolas turned to me and kissed the top of my palms, not letting go of my gaze. "I'll be back to escort you to your chamber later on, (y/n)." he said as he turned to his heels and went towards lord Brooklyn.

I went inside and bowed my head in respect. "You were asking for me, your majesty?" I raised a brow. She took both of my hands and pulled closer with a smile on her face, "Why yes, (y/n)! I would like you to see something," Queen Amanda clapped her hands and the door to the tailors room burst open with a magnificent gown right in front of me.

I gasp in surprise, my eyes getting glued at the magnificent white gown with its long, bouffant skirt and a long sleeve, lace top. The headpieces were as extra and magnificent with the cathedral veil and the gleaming tiara attached to the veil.

Queen Amanda put both of her hands to my shoulder blades from behind and chuckled, "I want you to wear my wedding dress, (y/n)."

I looked at her in disbelief and shook my head, "Oh my! I possibly couldn't!" I replied while she laughed in response. "You will be marrying the crowned prince, and I want you to look extravagant for tomorrow. Or is it not to your liking?" she asked the question with a frown.

I felt cornered by her inquiry, and I could never in a million years say I didn't like it in front of the queen and I most certainly did not dislike it. "I absolutely love the dress, your majesty. I will very much wear it as you wish." I replied back with a plastered smile while I bowed my head.

She clasped her hands in awe, "Lovely."

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