Chapter Thirty-Seven: An Old Entry

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I stepped inside my room with a hand to my cheek, letting out the tears that I dared not let fall from outside. The stinging pain of Nikolas's hand slapping against my face was further worse and imprinted than the last.

I pulled the drawer open and picked the ointment up with my trembling hands while I applied it on my reddened cheek in a circular motion, biting down on my lips as I inhaled to avoid anyone hearing my sobbing cries. I let out a shaky breath and faltered my eyes down on the little glass container.

Something inside me felt at flare, perhaps anger? I did not know. I wiped my tears eye with my palms, but it did not stop my eyes from watering. My body had betrayed me. I got up from the seat and threw the ointment to the bed, wishing for its shattering glass fragments to ring through my ears, but at last I had controlled my temper.

"Never again," I whispered to myself with clenched fists, "I won't let it happen ever again." I said under my breath with assurance as I held my palms with my other hand and squeezed it tightly. It'll be over soon, I though to myself. Once this nightmares over, I'll be free again. An unfettered bird.

A soft knock on the door snapped my thoughts away as I quickly turned around and backed away with fear. "Who...who is it?" I asked, unsuccessfully keeping my shuddering voice down low. "It's Andrea, my lady." she announced, hearing those words made me sigh in relief and feel a sense of imperturbable tranquility over my tensed body. I let my shoulders fall to its comfort and opened the door to be met with a smiling Andrea.

"Is...there something wrong?" I raised a brow, covering my cheek with a hand. Andrea's eyes widen in alarm, she took my other hand and frowned. "Oh, my! Your eyes looks puffy, my lady!" Andrea gasped with concern hinting at the sound of her voice. "I forced myself to smile and shook my head dismissively, "It's nothing serious, Andrea. I'm alright." I spoke softly.

Andrea suspire and retraced her hand away from mine and gave an apology, "Lady Imelda had arrived at the castle, she's waiting for you my lady." Andrea explained with ecstasy. I chuckled in delight and nod my head, almost uncovering the red mark from my cheek with my hand over the thrill I had felt all over.

"Please assist Imelda to my chamber, I'd like to have a word with her in private." I entreat, "As you wish, my lady." Andrea replied back, bowing her head low as she scurried away from my bedroom.

I turned around and pushed the door with my body close, hearing its creaking as the only sound of life from the silenced chamber walls. I heard a thump! that made the door stop itself from its creaking sound. My body felt frozen with my heart ringing through my ears, telling me to back away.

I ruffled up my skirt with my hands on both sides slowly, keeping in the breath as if it would camouflage me with the emerald walls. A hand fell on my shoulder, making me flinch and tense up my shoulders. Never again, said the words that echoed throughout my head. "I won't let you hurt me anymore, Nikolas!" I forced out the words I had yearned to utter to his face, shrugging back his hand and turning around with clenched fists.

I opened my mouth but only to feel the confidence I had gained relinquish but only for a fluster to rose. I was met eye to eye with the hazel eyed man, looking down at me with a stoic stare. I blinked, unable to comprehend what I had just did. I looked down on the floor and cupped my swollen cheek with my hand once more, hiding away my appalling look from his sight.

"Your...your highness, what are you doing here? I thought we--"

Aleksander only ignored my words and snatched my hand away from caressing my cheek and the other gently pushing my head up to face him. A striking frown appeared on his face, unable to let it hide and dwindle away. "Did Nikolas did this to you, lady (y/n)?" Aleksander asked, even if he already knew the answer to his inquiry as he turned my head to my reddened cheek to examine.

I pushed him away and took a few steps back, "I...I can manage, your highness. There is no need to worry about me." I bowed my head low, inadequately ignoring his burning gaze. Aleksander reached his hand forward to touch me but soon pulled back and cleared his throat.

"Then...I'm glad to hear that, lady (y/n)," Aleksander looked up and gave me a small smile. He turned to his heels and touched the doorknob with a hand, he craned his head and looked at me "I'll ask for an ointment, if--"

"I already have one, your highness...but thank you." I cut him off and curtsied, Aleksander nod his head as I heard him sigh and left. After a few seconds, I finally came back to my senses and let myself crash on the soft mattress with the white linen sheets hugging my body from around tightly as I rolled.

I faced the ceiling with the lights of the chandelier from above shimmered through my eyes. I reached my hand up, wishing to grab onto the light but could only look from afar. One day, just you wait. I'll be able to reach the light of freedom. But would I be ready to? To give up the royal life and its luxuries that had followed? I do not know, for I had felt far from the exquisites of royalty.

A knock on the door teared away my daydreaming mind to a blow as I got up and swung the door open. I opened my arms wide and gave her a tight squeeze, "Oh, lady (y/n)!" she stumbled back in surprise, wrapping her arms around me with a gentle pat to my back.

"I've missed you so much, Imelda!" I buried my face to her neck, smelling the same aroma that hit like home. Fresh lavender. We pulled apart as I took her suitcase from her hand, heaving it to the table while she protested for my help from behind. "Your grace--! I mean, your highness! You shouldn't be doing that, it's inappropriate!" Imelda waved her hand with wide eyes.

I turned around and rolled my eyes, resting my hands at the edge of the table. "Oh please, as if I would let you suffer those inhumane and foolish consequences!" I laughed, taking both of her arms with a beam, "As long as I'm here, I'll protect you from any harm. Even in the grasps of the crowned prince." I spoke softly with pledge while she looked at me all teary-eyed.

Imelda, my best friend and also a sibling to me. I still vividly remembered the first time we had met, that very faithful day that she was taken in when we were just young juveniles. Oh how time had passed.

"Lady (y/n), what happened to your cheek?" Imelda asked, brushing her fingertips to touch my cheek. I flinched back and turned my head to the side, "Don't worry about that, Imelda," I brushed it off with a smile, "You must have had quite the journey getting here! Shall I show you to your chamber?" I raised a brow and motioned her to the door.

Imelda covered her mouth with a hand and chuckled slightly, she nod her head in response while I walked towards the door. "But wait, lady (y/n)!" Imelda raised her voice in protest. I turned around to see her digging inside her pocket dress. I tilt my head forward, feeling curious as she pulled out a letter that was sealed with my family's crest. We both exchanged looks and took it.

I read through the paper out loud for Imelda to hear but soon turned into a whisper as I went further through the letter. "They...they're moving, family's moving." I announced, trying my best to fight back the urge to tear the paper in shreds. "I...I didn't know, your highness! Whatever for?" Imelda questioned, feeling the same sorrow I felt.

I pushed the curtains of the window and peeked outside to see Nikolas staring right back at me with a smug smirk plastered on his face while I glared back with a hiss. "Nikolas, the crowned prince did it."

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