Chapter Thirty-One: Abscond

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Apologies for the lack of updates, been very sick for the past few days. Nikolas gave me the flu.

Heavy footsteps began to creak against the wooden floor, with each stride making my heart thump in fear. I held the book tightly within my arms and held my breath, feeling suffocated with my own palpitating heart and sweat.

They searched the drawers and boards, swiftly grabbing anything that was in a form of a book but no luck gave in to their hands. The queen began to walk, looking around while she stopped to my left. "Have you searched the bed?" asked the queen, "No, we haven't your majesty." one of the sentinels answered. "Then find it there! Go on!" the queen groaned with enrage, pointing down at the bed as I gulped.

My eyes darted around and pulled the suitcase gently to their reach, putting a hand to my mouth while I pushed myself back from the sentinels arms. One took the suitcase and got up, showing it to queen Amanda with her eyes inspecting the lock. She waved her hand, signaling for them to scoot it away from her. "Take that to my chamber and leave." she demanded as they bowed their head and left. "Excuse us, your majesty."

I bit down on my bottom lip, wishing for all this to be over like a nightmare that never seems to end. Queen Amanda opened one of the drawers from Aleksander's desk and pulled the photograph of the girl I had came across with minutes ago. A hint of sorrow filled her eyes until a knock abruptly stopped her frowning expression. She put back the picture inside the drawer in a bolt and turned around.

The door swung open as the king stepped inside, I covered my mouth with my palms to stop the escaping gasp. "Callum! it's unexpected for you to be here." the queen said, giving way to her puzzled look.

"It has come to me that Nikolas and Aleksander had came to a huge quarrel, is that true Amanda?" asked the king with quizzing look plastered to his face.

The queen looked at him with pure shock, unknowingly balling her knuckles to a fist. "Is Nikolas alright?" queen Amanda questioned with a frown, "Nikolas had sent Aleksander to starve, Amanda," the king said in agitation, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

The king looked back up and sighed to himself, "Nikolas had done a lot of damage, Amanda. Believe me, I had dismissed every rumor of his recklessness. But this...this is preposterous! I want Aleksander out of cell at this instant and make sure you talk to that boy!" king Callum raised his voice while throwing his hands up in a tantrum in front of his wife.

"Of course. I will solve this issue right away." the queen stiffened her posture with both palms pressing against each other as she answered back to his complaint with a stern tone.

The king softened his expression and nod his head, "As it should be." he glared. He took his leave, stomping his way out of the room. I looked back at queen Amanda, standing there frozen.

For a moment, everything was drowned into a silence until she yelled and pushed everything from the desk to the floor. It all crashed down as I jumped with a slight thump while hitting my head lightly from above the ceiling of the bed. My eyes went wide open and covered my mouth with my hand, taking a breathe in.

her eyes darted towards the bed and came forward. My heart began to beat faster with each step that she took forward. The queen took the pillows and threw it on the floor in frustration, messing up the sheets and everything she saw in sight. I suppose I now know where Nikolas got his temper from.

After a few more little tantrums, she took a deep breath and wiped away the tears that fell down on her cheeks while brushing off the wrinkles of her dress. The queen combed through her head and went out of the door as if nothing ever happened.

I let out a breath and let myself lay there on the cold, wooden floor with pure relief. I loosened my grip on the book and wait. The silent room was music to my ears after the ruckus that had happened from the queen's anger. Finally, I took the chance and crawled my way out of the bed with the book.

I got up from my knees and hurried out of the room, taking no chance of getting caught inside of the prince's chamber. Who knows what will become of me if I ever get found out, especially by Nikolas.

I hurried my way to the chamber I reside in and put the book under my pillows and sprint my way back to the kitchen.

I stopped in front of the kitchen doors, about to open it as I heard an angry yell from inside. "Where's (y/n)! Where is she?" came a familiar voice, fully knowing who it was just from the tone. I pushed the door open as he turned around to look at me, his expression softening after meeting my eyes. "What are you doing here, Nikolas? Did I not tell you to stay in your room?" I frowned, taking him by the hand and away from the tensed ladies.

They greet me in a quiet tone while I acknowledged them with a nod. "Where were you? I was worried my dearest (y/n)." asked Nikolas, cupping both of my cheeks. I pressed both of my arms to his and pushed him back, turning to look at the ladies while I signaled them to go.

they hurriedly took their leave without hesitation, leaving me all alone with Nikolas. I turned away and gave him the cocoa that had already ran cold. "I apologize for taking too long, Nikolas. I had...a very upset stomach from the cold weather we're having today." I lied, forcing out a small smile.

"Well are you alright, my dearest (y/n)? I should send the royal physician to check on you." Nikolas responded in an alarming tone, looking at me with inspection. I shook my head no and chuckled, "I'm fine, Nikolas. Please, go back to your room and rest. I wouldn't want you getting more ill." I sighed while brushing his hair from the front with a hand resting to his forehead, checking his temperature.

Nikolas looked at me with a mouth agape, letting himself loosen from the fiery he felt inside just moments ago. "Can you...can you stay with me, my dearest (y/n)?" Nikolas inquiry with hopeful eyes. I opened my mouth but no words come out as I back my head away and snap myself back, "Of course, Nikolas," I finally said.

Nikolas smiled and began to lean close for a kiss. I pushed him back with my index finger to his forehead and chuckled nervously, "You might make me ill, Nikolas. It's best if you don't do that for a while, yes?" I raised a brow with a tilt of my head. He faltered his eyes to the ground and groaned, Nikolas looked back up and nod his head in defeat.

"Then I shall cherish the moment when it happens, my dearest (y/n)."

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