Chapter Forty: An Instinctive Poison

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Aleksander's POV

"Your highness, their majesty would be arriving tonight from Walsh." one of the head butlers announced, standing up straight as to wait for my response while I placed back the photograph from inside the drawers. I gazed back up with clasped hands, "And the prince and his wife? Have they arrived yet?" I asked with a raised brow, "They would be in momentarily, your highness." he replied with a small smile.

"Ah, that's good. May you please fetch his lady (y/n) once she arrives?" I tilt my head to the side, beaming along his way, The butler nod his head in approval and left, whispering his leave as the door came to a close.

I stood up straight, feeling tired from the piles of duties that had been laid on my shoulders. The thoughts that rummaged through my head of whatever's happening in every passing second to lady (y/n) had made me disregard my duties, nor the people that had been locked in the grasps of my own brother.

But soon, this will be all over. The terror that every individuals that had felt, it will come to an end. No matter what happens. "I will not be tainted by love," I spoke to myself in a hush, looking through the window. "The crown will be rightfully mine."

My thoughts shut down after a soft knock on the door was heard, I turned around as the doorknob twist open and to be met with a pair of (e/c) eyes. "Your highness, you wanted to see me?" (y/n) spoke, curtsying to a bow while I nod my head in reply. I beckoned her over to sit and placed the leather book in front of her, glancing back up at me with a look coming across her face,

"My father will arrive tonight, lady (y/n)." I said in a whisper, pushing the book closer towards her. (Y/n) got up with a smile and clasped both of her hands tight, leaning closer over my desk as I flinched back with a heart skipping a beat from the sudden closure.

I shook my head lightly and adjusted the collar of my shirt. The beaming smile from her face withdrew away with both of her hands down on the desk, "But the queen, your highness," (y/n) suspired, darting her eyes upward to face me with a meaningful glint.

"I believe that she knows that we're against Nikolas." she bit down on her lip with slowly let her body fall back to the cushioned chair, "And what makes you think that, lady (y/n)?" I inquiry with a gentler tone.

(Y/n) leaned her hand closer to her heart and took a deep breath, seeming uneased over the running thoughts in her hand with a pair of (e/c) rapidly moving downward on the wooden oak floor. The deciphering demeanor relinquished in a cease as she finally tilt her head back high, "Her majesty never looked at me in such a way before she left, your highness. It may just be an instinct but I believe in it."

The words that came out of her mouth had be taken aback, wondering if she had even cogitated of this matter as consequential. "Lady (y/n), I believe following things such as your heart wouldn't be appropriate at this time. This is no laughing matter, and I hope that you at least had anything such as evidence rather than words." I snapped, my voice coming out jarring than I had anticipated.

I let my strained shoulders finally fell as I back away an inch. (Y/n) got up all teary-eyed and plastered a frown, fighting back the urge to scowl from her visage with knuckles clenched. "But your highness--"

"Following your heart is poison, lady (y/n). A trap. And I don't want you to fall for it as I did." I lectured, with each words coming out louder as I crashed both arms to the desk with flooding memories coming to hit me like an enormous wave. The screams of terror from the ghostly night coming to be heard from afar, a voice that I wish to never hear. Make it stop. The words became a chant, unable to snap back to reality.

I blinked. Then again. The shrilling scream stopped with a loud crash of the door, I glanced back up but only to have (y/n) vanish in front of me.

I cursed under my breath, plummeting back down on the chair with a hand to my hammering head. "Your highness?" the butler called out with concern once more, "Yes?" I asked as I sat back straight while ignoring my aching head. I gazed up slowly, with his face glued to a frown.

He gulped down and spoke, "You haven't slept for a few days now, your highness. The stress is wearing you off. Please, take time for yourself. I'll try to adjust your highness's schedule for this week." he explained briefly with persuasion, beckoning me to leave my studies.

I scratched the back of my neck and gulp the cut of tea from beside me clean, "Where's lady (y/n)?" I asked with eyes scanning around the room hastily. "the lady has left quite upset, your highness. And I believe it's also a sign for you to take some time off to clear out your mind, your highness." he coaxed while I only waved a hand as to shrug it off.

"I'll be alright, but thank you for your concern," I beamed, getting up but only to fall down to the chair with a blink of an eye. I huffed in annoyance, feeling aggravated over prickling headache that had come upon me. I glanced back up at him in defeat and nod my head, "I suppose you're right. Please wake me up before my father's arrival."

"As you wish, your highness."

𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 (𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚!𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙭𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang