Chapter Thirty-Six: Come Upon

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"No..." I whispered, shaking my head lightly. I pushed Aleksander away and cupped my hands close to my chest, "You're betraying your brother, Aleksander. We're betraying him. This is wrong." I spoke through with my dwindling thoughts, shaking my head with a frowning expression. Betrayer. It chanted to myself while I could only wish for its never ending voice to stop.

Aleksander nod his head in agreement in a slight motion as his eyes faltered to the floor with clenched fists, "Which is why I want you to stay away from me, lady (y/n)," Aleksander walked beside me. He craned his head and gazed down while I stared straightforward, unable to make any eye contact.

"But please don't hesitate to ask for help. I'll do the best that I can." he spoke in a low, assuring tone. Aleksander took my hand, gaining my attention as I finally gave in and looked. He placed a piece of envelope on my hand and without a word, he left.

I turned around with an agape mouth, the words that dared let out had died after I saw Aleksander nowhere in sight. I sighed to myself and teared it open while I walked back inside the castle floors, I read through the paper with a palpitating heart.

I stopped from my tracks with wide, sparkling eyes as I bit back a scream. "Imelda...Imelda's coming," I whispered to myself, but even if I formed those words myself, I was still in disbelief. I was an exuberant bunch, with a big smile across my face. It was finally happening, the day that I would be able to spend time with her.

I kept the letter close to my heart, with each busy people approaching me back with a smile. I went inside the kitchen and squealed in delight, already feeling feverish from the ecstasy I had felt as I couldn't contain it no longer. Both Sophie and Andrea jumped in a gasp, looking at me as they questioned what was wrong.

"I think the gods had finally loved me!" I spoke, their faces all in a labyrinth puzzle from my thrilled physique. I turned to look at them and beckoned them over, "Ladies, today is a wonderful day! I have a an old friend coming today as my new assistant and I want her to feel special." I explained as their faces lit up with relief.

"That's wonderful, my lady! Is there anything you need of help?" Andrea nudged as they listened with all ears. I waved my hand in protest with a shaking head, "Oh, please. You ladies had already done so much for me! Just focus on Nikolas's birthday, I'm sure you're all as busy as a bee." I chuckled, squeezing both of Sophie's and Andrea's hand. They nod their head and headed back to their own stations.

I began to make the lemonade, cutting it swiftly with a knife. I couldn't help but smile to myself, Imelda was really going to arrive today. Sophie passed me a tray of ice cubes as I placed four inside the glass. Andrea took the fresh beverage and placed it on top of the wooden tray as I took it with both hands. They all curtsied while I announced my leave, we all exchanged a smile while I walked down the hall.

Today didn't seem that bad, was the thought I had held in my mind. To see Imelda again, I think I would do just fine. Since arriving in the imperial castle, nothing but trouble had came in my way. I snapped out of my thoughts in unison with my walk, I craned my head to the left to see Aleksander with the same busy eyes as he walked down the elongated hallway of the palace, oddly on the other side.

I opened my mouth, about to utter out a thank but instead pulled back and began to walk towards Nikolas's room. I saw Maven walk out of the door, making eye contact with me for a second before walking pass me, making a tsk sound along the way.

I bow my head in respect and twist the door open. "What took you so long, my dearest (y/n)?" asked Nikolas with a glaring stare, "I'm sorry that I took so long, Nikolas. But I bought you lemonade, it's freshly squeezed just by me!" I forced out a smile, sounding enthusiastic over a simple beverage just to brighten up the dark aura that polluted the chamber air.

Nikolas scowled and crossed his arms, resting further back to the cushioned chair. I ignored his subduing stare and placed the tray of lemonade down on the table. I pulled the chair back and sat across from him, gesturing him to take his cold beverage.

I sipped on the cold lemonade slowly and gulped. Nikolas pushed his head forward with both arms resting on the table, "Are you ignoring my question, my dearest (y/n)? I asked why you took so long." he pressed further, feeling trapped within his ghostly grasps, "Well...I...I" my words seemed to have failed me while I stumbled through with my reasoning, or if I even had one in mind.

Nikolas clenched on my cheekbones tightly with a hand, forcing me to look at him. I gripped on the edge of the table, almost clawing to keep myself steady while I groaned from the roughly pain. "Or were you with Aleksander, (y/n)?" Nikolas let go of me and stood up, kicking his chair as it made a loud thud against the wall.

I jumped back, biting down on my lips with both of my hands clenching on my skirt. I mumbled out words unknowingly, unable to comprehend on what he knew. Nikolas pulled me up, snaking his around my waist with his icy blue eyes glancing down at my lips. He leaned close and gave me a gentle kiss as his lips firmly pressed against mine.

He backed away an inch and kissed the side of my neck with his other hand stroking the back of my ear, "I'll kill him, (y/n). No one gets in my way, I'll make him suffer. You're mine, (y/n)," he mumbled through my ear, resting his chin to my neck with both hands wrapped around my waist to push me farther towards him.

"I'll severe his head and hands, I'll cut off every part that he had touched you with. Mark my words, my dearest (y/n)."

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