Chapter Twenty-Three: Unveil

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Princess Eirene went towards the empty chair beside Nikolas as he glared at her with a sullen look. Aleksander stood up and slammed his hands down on the table, making me flinch from the sudden burst.

"Princess Eirene, aren't you supposed to be going?" asked Aleksander with a forced smile, trying to change back his demeanor calmly. Princess Eirene crossed both of her arms and sighed, "I cant go with an empty stomach, your highness. And besides, there seems to be plenty of food here. Is that okay with you, lady (y/n)?" princess Eirene asked with a pout and a raised brow.

"I...of course, please enjoy yourself." I beckoned her over while she sat down beside Nikolas who seemed tensed beside her. He pushed his chair farther towards me and clutched my hand tightly, like I was going to run away.

We all ate once more, while my parents and their majesty's chatted happily. It was nice to know they seemed to be getting along, and I couldn't help but smile. "This palace is grand, your highness." Imelda commented, making me turn to her.

I chuckled and nod my head, "It's spectacular when I first arrived here, Imelda. I would love nothing more but for you to live here with me." I replied back with eyes looking around the baroque dining hall, with its magnificent white chandeliers twinkling from above our heads.

"Princess Eirene, I suppose you'll be leaving right after, yes?" Aleksander questioned while clearing his throat to get princess Eirene's attention, "Of course, your royal highness." she nod her head to a bow with her gentle words.

I glanced at Nikolas who seems too sullen as he did not move an inch from the table. When he finally noticed me staring he stood up and pulled his chin up high. Nikolas cleared his throat and adjust his vest, "Please excuse me." Nikolas said with a small smile and took his leave hurriedly.

I stared at Nikolas who seemed fuming with rage from the way he walked, but I couldn't seem to falter on what it was. Princess Eirene looked at me at the corner of her eye and put down her utensils, while one of the maids placed down a cup of steaming coffee on the table.

She hopped over towards me from the chair, making me look at her with a fluster. "Your...your highness, is there anything I could do for you?" I asked while nudging my head forward, "I heard you're quite fond of coffee, lady (y/n)," Princess Eirene said, taking the cup of steaming hot beverage with a hand.

"And as a close friend of his highness, I'd like you to have one. Surely you don't like wine, I could see it from the face you make, lady (y/n)." Princess Eirene laughed quietly while putting a hand to her mouth. I stared for a while, unable to decipher on what to say.

Surely, I couldn't reject a princess's offer. "Lady (y/n) seems fine, princess Eirene. I don't think she would like coffee at this time." Aleksander interrupted, his eyes glued on her. Watching her every movement with seeming precautions.

"Oh, please! I insist, lady (Y/n)!" Princess Eirene gave me a closed-eyed smile while caressing her cheek.

I nod my head slowly and reached for the cup as princess Eirene nudged it forward hastily. I gasp, the burning sensation I felt from the glass of steaming coffee coming in contact with my skin. I stood up as the others looked at me.

Aleksander came to my side, "Get me lukewarm water and a towel, now!" Aleksander roared in order, pushing me gently away from the spilled beverage. Imelda came to my side and pulled the chair towards me, "Oh, my!" my mother gasped in surprise.

Princess Eirene came forward but Aleksander yanked her away with great strength, "You have done enough damage, princess! I want you to leave! Now!" he snapped, towering over her while Sophie and Andrea hurried to my side with a bowl of water and a towel.

My eyes went wide open to hear Aleksander yell and express something more differently. To see him in fiery was frightening, more than I thought Nikolas would be. The doors slammed open with hurried footsteps to see Nikolas running towards me, "What did you do to my wife!" he asked while I hissed in pain.

Nikolas kneeled in front of me, inspecting the blisters that formed around my forearms. "I hope you're happy, lady (y/n)! You must feel like you're in cloud nine with two princes swooning over your foolishness!" Princess Eirene fumed with a laugh.

My mother stood up from the chair, expressing more anger than I did from Eirene's offensive words while my father tried to calm her down, trying not to get involved with the princess. "But guess what, lady (y/n)! I slept with your husband and had an affair with him in the ship, isn't that right darling Nikolas?" she glanced at Nikolas as my mouth went agape in disbelief.

" that true, Nikolas?" I asked, cupping his cheek to make him look up at me. Silence lingered through the air with my eyes looking eagerly for an answer, but I couldn't. "You..."

"I didn't mean it, (y/n)! She tricked me! I can kill her if you want! I'll execute her! I'll do it!" Nikolas clutch on my hand tightly with a frown. I stood up from the chair, feeling the trickling tears coming down to the sides of my face.

My heartache in incredulity, and as if my body had its mind of its own, I ran. I bolted out of the door, wishing for the air to suffocate me from the betrayal I felt. They screamed for my name, trying to calm me down as running footsteps followed from behind.

I didn't know what or where I was running from, or why I felt this way. Maybe it's because I longed for him after all this time? I do not know. But one thing is for certain, I wanted to die. The more I wanted to accept it, the more I felt myself falling apart.

I stopped from my tracks and crashed down on the floor, hearing the running water from the fountain with flowers surrounding me from everywhere. Did he ever thought about me? was the question I wished to be answered, as I never thought I would cry about him. Yet, here I am.

I heard the running footsteps come to a halt, hearing someone huff and puff beside me. I looked up to see Aleksander with a tired look on his face. "Found you." he let's out a sigh of relief and took a sit beside me.

I wiped away the tears from my stained cheeks and sobbed, "I'm...I'm very sorry, your highness." I mumbled under my breath, "Are you alright, lady (y/n)?" Aleksander inquiry while looking at the blisters. "I'm fine your highness." I answered, pushing my hand farther to my chest.

"I apologize for what had happened inside there, lady (y/n). I'll take those matters into my own hands, I promise," he said with reassurance, getting up from the floor and patting down the dust from his pants. He looked around as I jumped from the loud lightning bolt.

Heavy rain drops poured down so suddenly, with the once so blue skies getting blocked by clouds. The gods must be feeling the same thing I feel right now, or its their way of mockery of how I couldn't believe of what had happened, they must be having fits of laughter by now.

To think that I wouldn't get betrayed by a crowned prince over a princess was something from beyond. I shouldn't have had such expectations.

Aleksander pinched the bridge of his nose and looked back at me, "I'm sorry, lady (y/n). But I unfortunately do not have an umbrella." Aleksander said, looking around to try and find an alternative. "(Y/n)!" I heard a muffled cry from outside, the voice sounding familiar as it got closer.

I backed away to see Nikolas entering with his clothes soaked from head to toe. "What are you doing with (y/n), Aleksander?" Nikolas glared with clenched fists.

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