Chapter Thirty-Four: Midnight Serenade

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I stomped my way inside Nikolas's room with a scowl, many words going through my mind like a flood as I stood there quietly with knuckles clenched to a fist. "Did you really slapped Andrea, Nikolas?" I questioned while I walked forward.

"She was annoying, (y/n). She deserves a better beating than that." he replied while he looked outside the window nonchalantly with his hand combing through his blonde locks. I was left unable to speak, but to bark out every insult I had from inside of me. I shook my head and let out a quiet sigh, "You can't just put your anger onto someone else, Nikolas." I explained, hearing him groan and look at me.

"She's nothing but a servant, (y/n)! I told you--" I cut him off by a loud, annoyed huff while I rolled my eyes, "She's human, just like you Nikolas. But I don't think you understand that, after all, you're as mad as a march hare!" I laughed, unable to keep it all from spilling from my own vile mouth.

Nikolas snatched my wrist and pulled me closer, our faces inches away from each other with pairing, daggering stares. "You're my wife, (y/n)," he squeezed my wrist tight while I tried pulling away but was too weak under his strong grasps, "And I want you to act like one." Nikolas added in a hush.

He yanked me away as I stumbled back a few steps. "You can't make me, Nikolas." I replied back with a stern tone, trying my best to hide the shuddering voice. We stood across from each other with a blind eye. One blinded by the crown and the other by freedom.

Nikolas's scowling face engraved further as he made his way towards me with clenched fists, I swallowed down my fearful look while I did not move an inch. He dug both of his fingers to my shoulder blades, his face coming nearer as I autonomously backed away with my eyes glued to his.

"You made a promise, (y/n). In sickness and in health, to love and to obey." Nikolas phrased, saying each word with a tighter grip. "Rules are meant to be broken, Nikolas Is it not?" I tilt my head to the side, waiting for an answer to my inquiry. "You--!" Nikolas raised his hand, ready to strike me across the face while I shut my eyes close with my hands from the side squeezing tightly on the skirt I wore.

The door slammed open, making both of us look. We were met with Aleksander with busy eyes, scanning through the paper that he held. "Nikolas, I--" Aleksander cut himself off after gazing up and expressed a quizzical look, eyeing both of us. He walked towards us and pushed Nikolas away while he shrugged his brother's touch.

"What are you doing here, lady (y/n)? did I not assign you to your own chamber?" he turned around to look at me, waiting for my reply. "I...well..." I stuttered through my words, looking back and forth at Nikolas's intimidating stare. I was far from the word comfortable for the tension I had felt inside this room, to tell Aleksander the reason in front of Nikolas. That, I wasn't confident of.

"Nikolas and I are just spending some time together, your highness." I said in reply with a beaming smile that I forced on myself while I curtsied, "Is that so?" Aleksander eyed me down with an unsure tone. He turned to Nikolas who seemed to have smiled and nod his head, "Yes, that's right. Isn't it my dearest (y/n)?" Nikolas raised a brow, a hint of straining his voice was obvious while he forced me to agree with him.

I nod my head without hesitation and let out a nervous laugh. "Well, I'd like to discuss with Nikolas if I may lady (y/n)." Aleksander gave me a small smile, "No, she stays--" Nikolas protested but I only cut him off with a chuckle. "Of course, your highness. As you wish." I bow my head low and left the room, biting down the itch to run.

Time passed by fast, with all the people in the palace busying themselves on their own errands. Somehow, I felt smaller in these castle walls without a glint of joy lingering through the air. I was so used to this place that I find all the extravagant of the kingdom tedious.

Just so I knew it, it was nighttime. I didn't seem to have noticed with the bright chandeliers that hung from the ceiling, but I was far from tired and had the full energy to do almost anything.

I went down the stairs on the dim, spacious ballroom. To go down these steps without anyone eyeing me down in pressure was a wonderful thought, but to feel the presence of the individuals with Nikolas already makes my stomach lurks. I was a wallflower for a reason on the ball.

The serene moonlight shun in each of the windows while I twirled around, humming to myself. I felt like a child again, dreaming of a prince that would once come save me. But based on experience, I rather save my own self rather than let someone else save me.

"You're like a rabbit that's let loose, lady (y/n). Everywhere I seem to go, you're there." I heard a voice echo from behind, making me froze still with a flustering look hitting me like a wagon. How much did he see that I danced with myself in the dark? I rather not know.

I turned around and bow my head low, "Your highness! I didn't notice you there!" I replied back with a slight gasp. Aleksander went down the stairs with his fixated gaze on me, "May I say, lady (y/n). If you were to dance with the crowned prince, I believe you'll make a fool of yourself." he commented, laughing to himself.

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm not up to your expectations. I had never been in many waltz in my life, and I was never fond of dancing either your highness." I replied with confidence, raising my head up high with a straightened back. Aleksander took my hand and gently placed it on his broad shoulder while he cinched his hand to the side of my waist as I jumped.

"Which is why I'll be teaching you, lady (y/n)." he whispered low, taking my other arm. We began to move while I followed his foot step, taking a few steps back too far or stepping on his foot but he seemed unfazed by my blaspheming movements as he only showed me how it was done.

To dance with Aleksander in the night with no one in sight was a lovely feeling. It's as though my thoughts had melted away into nothing, how I wish it could be like this forever. Aleksander and I spun across the floor of the ballroom, my feet becoming more and more familiar with the steps.

Aleksander's eyes never seemed to falter away from mine, "Had something happened inside there, lady (y/n)?" Aleksander asked, bring up the topic to light. I frowned and looked down on the floor. "I thought...just maybe...I could have stepped up to Nikolas," I replied in a hush, "But I suppose the confidence I had felt were a con." I beamed, gazing back up at him again.

"There is no such thing as a shamming confidence, I believe that you had did yourself a deed lady (y/n). Let Nikolas know what your mind speaks," Aleksander said with a courageous tone as my body dips towards the floor in a slow arc. He pushed me up again and smiled, "You're doing wonderful, (y/n)." Aleksander complimented, catching me off guard by the mention my name without formality.

My heart skips a beat while I drowned in my reddened face, thankful that the room was dark enough. He spun me once more, but not letting go of my hand this time. Aleksander pulled me back as I hit his chest, losing momentum.

"I must confess, lady (y/n)." Aleksander frowned, squeezing my hand tight as I followed with the basic steps. "Whatever for, your highness?" I asked with a raised brow, looking through his gleaming, hazel eyes for an answer. "I might be falling for you." Aleksander whispered, dipping me back once more as he pushed his head forward. I was left speechless with wide eyes as I recollected my thoughts.

"And the crown...will you choose me over it?" II asked in a haste, feeling dumbstruck over my question. We stopped as we stood apart, I stepped back and bit down a cry. Whatever I felt was something I wish to never feel again for it would mean that I'll be betraying Nikolas.

Aleksander took me by the hand as he pulled me towards him. Our lips crashed on each other while Aleksander caressed both of my cheeks gently, it was warm and soothing. I could hear the barking cries of my thoughts from beyond, telling me to pull away. But I couldn't seem to do it.

He pulled me back, the frown on his face only engraving further as he muttered an apology. Aleksander left in a swift movement, fully knowing what the answer is to my question. He would never.

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