Chapter Thirty-Two: Affix

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Aleksander's POV

I sat down at the corner with bandits and savages around me. I did not belong here. Surely the one who does come here was Nikolas. Yet, I was waiting to be saved by a lady. To be out of this hellhole from the taunting stares would be a relief. The lights flickered while I toyed around with my pocket watch, the key no longer there.

I was more concerned over (y/n)'s situation than the key. As much as it has an inevitable advantage to bring down the queen and Nikolas, I couldn't falter my mind over (y/n)'s safety. Nikolas had already showed me what he could do to (y/n), and what is glued in my mind was something I must let god forbid.

Clanging of metal began to echo throughout the cells, with each jailbird shouting insults to the queen. I got up from the dirt floor and pat down my pants, looking through with both hands holding on both bars. She stood in front of me with sentinels guarding her side by side. The sentinels began to unlock the cell door as I only looked with confusion written all over me.

"Never have I thought would you let me go, mother." I broke the silence between us while she glared, "The king had told me so, Aleksander. I cannot go against him." she replied, whispering those few words to herself instead. I stepped out of the cell and craned my neck, looking back at her. "Where's lady (y/n)?" I asked with a raised brow.

She crossed her arms and tilt her head, "Would you care to tell me as to why before I answer your inquiry?" the queen asked, ignoring my question just to make things more complex. I stared for a moment and shook my head, "No, mother. I do not care to tell you why, I suppose I'm better off finding her myself." I sighed and scurried off the dungeon floors while hearing the queen's whispering insult from behind.

Getting up and back to the castle floors with its emitting light from every window was the fresh sight I love to see. Thought it has only been half of the day that I lurked there, I was already feeling ill with no content of staying down there.

I stood in front of the door, giving a soft knock as I await for an answer. A minute had passed but there was no sign of life from inside. With a panic striking me by force, I opened the door and went inside unannounced. My eyes darted around the room but (y/n) was nowhere in sight. she was probably somewhere, or most likely with the king.

But as I thought of that, my eye was caught by a peeking brown, book from her pillow. I went towards it and pushed the pillow away to see the leather book I had told her to take. She could have hid it somewhere better, but I suppose she tried.

A book that held every secrets that my mother and brother had committed. Once the king sees this, it will truly stop them from harming more people. And possibly banish them from the palace. With the crown in my head, the people would no longer have a chance to perish in the living hells of Nikolas.

I snapped out of my daydreaming thoughts and placed it under the mattress, hurrying myself out of the door while I looked for (y/n). The people inside the palace were of a teeming mess, with each one in rapid motion with tension lingering from beyond.

They were all a busy bunch for Nikolas's birthday will be coming this week, which meant everything should be in the slightest of perfection. Andrea walked down the hall while making eye contact and bowing her head in acknowledgement. "Pardon me, but have you seen lady (y/n) anywhere?" I asked as she stopped from her tracks, "She's with the crown prince, your highness." Andrea answered and curtsied after I excused her.

I walked my way to their room with many thoughts coming to my mind, and none were surely great. I barged inside only to froze still to see (y/n) sitting beside him with a book in hand while Nikolas held her other hand while he slept. (Y/n) looked up at me with wide eyes and gently placed the book on the table, she slid her arm away from the sleeping prince and walked forward.

I gazed down to her hand, hastily wiping it from her skirt. I stepped out of the room while she looked back at Nikolas and taking her leave while she closed the door quietly. She turned around as I flinched from the sudden movement, going too close with our lips almost brushing against each other.

I cleared my throat and stepped backward, looking away to ease my momentum. "Your highness, I'm glad you're out of there." (y/n) beamed with clasped hands, "I'm relieve that you're alright, lady (y/n)." I smiled back with a following sigh of solace.

Before (y/n) could talk, we heard the queen's voice coming from behind me. "Aleksander." she sternly called out my name, trying to catch my attention. I turned to my heels and met eye to eye with her, "Is there something you need of me, mother?" I forced out a closed-eyed smile, "Your father would like a word with us," she replied back and met eyes with (y/n), "Or is there something I'm intruding on?" she raised a brow.

"No, there isn't mother," I rolled my eyes and turned to see a flustered (y/n), already hinting on what my mother meant. "Shall we go?" I looked back at the queen as she nod her head in reply.

We entered inside the throne room to see every sentinels aligned from left to right with my father walking back and forth, waiting for us. "Is something wrong, father?" I asked, going up at him while my mother followed from behind.

"I'm glad you're here, Aleksander." father put both of his hands to my shoulder blades while I raised a brow, "Am I missing something here, father? What's happening and why is there a carriage outside?" I asked while pointing out the window with an alarmed tone.

"There had been an invitation to Walsh from the king. And as you may know, after the princess's unfortunate accident, Walsh had been distant and complex with ours." my father explained with bright eyes while I furrowed my brows, looking at my mother at the corner of my eye sternly.

It was true that Walsh had been conflicted with ours after the princess's accident, for we were also known for having many missing people. Walsh and Stormbore had always been close kingdoms with a big helping hand from their knights and to ours, and to hear that there was conflict with the two kingdoms had put my father into his demise.

To have the chance to sort things out must be a relief for my father and I could do nothing but nod my head, "And what will that have to do with me?" I questioned, "Nikolas is still under the weather, I don't think he would be capable of leading this place as of now," my father looked around and back to me, "And I decided that I will make you in charge as we're away." he smiled at me while I heard my mother gasp in surprise.

We turned to her, only to be met with a surprised expression. "But Callum, you--" she was cut off by my fathers intimidating stare and ignored her daggering gaze.

"I had made my choice, Amanda. From now on, you will be in charge of the imperial palace while we're not present, Aleksander." he announced as I went to my knees, bowing my head low. "As you wish, your majesty."

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