Chapter Thirty-Nine: Rendezvous (Part 2)

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We entered inside the boutique with Nikolas eyeing me as I looked around with fascination, looking through each racks of beautiful ballgowns at sight that shimmered. It was like every ladies dream, a beautiful and exquisite ballgowns that you can twirl and twirl around with. "Pick as much as you like, my dearest (y/n)." Nikolas reminded me, tapping his foot on the wooden floor while he stood beside the maiden clerk that looked tensely on the ground with fidgeting fingers.

If only Imelda was here would this shopping spree would be better. My eyes spotted a pair of silver scissors as I picked it up, I turned to my heels while Nikolas looked at me dumbfoundedly, trying to decipher on why I was holding a pair of scissors instead of a dress. "If only I could stab you with these would it be better, Nikolas." I giggled while I cupped my cheek and snipped.

Nikolas forced out a laugh and shook his head, "Oh my, if only I could tailor your mouth shut close would my day be better my silly (y/n)!" he answered with eyebrows twitching and a palpable sense of annoyance.

After I was satisfied inside the boutique and evidently getting cursed at from afar by my husband did we left the shop with a suffering Maven from behind, flooded with many piles of dresses that I wish to already wear. Nikolas jumped and went behind my back with both hands clawed to my shoulder blades, making me scream and stumble away from the giant rats that ran across from us while a woman chased them off with a broom.

I craned my head to the side while Nikolas peeked, "Are those filthy things gone?" he asked. I shrugged his hands off of me and nod, "Never have I thought that the crowned prince would be scared of just some rats." I commented with a half smile, keeping my lips sealed to keep my laughter from going afire.

Nikolas didn't seem to have taken a liking to my words as he lour and took my hand, dragging me back inside the carriage and dust his vest off. I sunk back to my sit and looked outside, seeing his reflection while he wiped his hands and vest clean. "Where are we going next, Nikolas?" I asked, looking back at him as he stopped.

"Pick your destination, my dearest (y/n). Perhaps the jewelry?" he raised a brow, giving out ideas. "Perhaps the library?" I smiled, my expression lighting up like I was waiting for this very moment. Nikolas seemed to be in disbelief and tilt his head to the side, "Instead of those luxurious gems, you would rather go to a library?" he questioned and I nod in reply and showed the wedding ring from my hand.

"Besides, I already have something of value that I could sell for an abundant Nikolas." I grinned, taking pleasure of his humiliation. He clenched both of his fists, seized with impotent to even lay a hand on me in the eyes of the public. His staggering reputation would be on the grounds by now, and I would've buried him alive. the people would've think he was an utter joke of a future ruler.

The carriage came to a stop once more and I immediately bolted out of the tension I had caused. The bell chimed when I stepped inside, getting greeted by the usual librarian. An old man between his 70s with a neat cut of his hair and brown pants, matching it with his yellow shirt and brown bowtie that matched him greatly with his lovely emerald-green eyes and dark brown skin.

"Mr. Oliver?" I called for his name in a hush, he looked up from the parchment he wrote from and widened his eyes in reaction to my presence.

"Lady (y/n)!" he gasped in surprise, the sound of his sweet, old voice coming to me like music. "I'm glad that you had finally visited. The books have yearned for your return, your highness." he smiled, the change of title flowing out of his mouth unnaturally. It was probably because I was far from used to being called a highness, though I didn't seem to mind as much as I used to.

"Who is this, my dearest (y/n)?" Nikolas pulled me back from the desk while Nikolas eyed him down. "He's an old friend of mine, Nikolas." I forced out a smile, excusing us while I pulled his intimidating gaze from Mr. Oliver with a few giving us an eye and a greeting.

I looked through the books with Nikolas leaning on a bookshelf behind me. "(Y/n), we already have a lot more in the palace than this library's cramped and musty room." he glared, standing back up and patting his back. "Your library is dreadfully boring, I read almost every single one there." I answered back, brushing off his whining.

Nikolas mumbled to himself like a child while I went back to Mr. Oliver with Nikolas following behind like my own shadow. "I'd like to borrow these, Mr. Oliver." I beamed, showing him a couple of books as he chuckled. "As you're an apple of one's eye, I want you to keep them lady (y/n). Think of it as my gift for you newlyweds." he bopped my nose, pushing the books back at me.

"You're too kind, Mr. Oliver." I replied in pure awe with Nikolas clearing his throat, gaining both of our attention. "Well, carry on now. Have a safe trip, your royal highnesses." Mr. Oliver bowed his head low as I took the books and left.

Nikolas snapped his fingers and Maven came forward and took the books from my hands. We went back inside the carriage while I waved goodbye through the window. Nikolas caught my arm and pulled me close, "I don't want you hanging with those people again, my dearest (y/n). Or I might as well put them in the mud where they belong."

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