3| Proposals

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Chapter 3: Proposals (Gianna's POV)

I stared out the car window while my sunglasses stayed on and my dad attended a business call beside me. His business, not mine. Weapon trafficking, smuggling drugs, and the gold black market. That's what I know for a fact really happens. But there might be so much more going on behind the scenes. I mean, it's not very likely that so many lives are at risk because of weapons. Drugs? Maybe. Gold? Not too likely but possible. But it's all probably for power, isn't it? 

I'm almost one hundred percent sure that the Allister family is at the top when it comes to this. They make and have the most money which makes them the most powerful and feared. I don't know where my father stands, but I'd prefer to keep it that way because knowing might be much worse than not knowing. 

"No, the third batch. Double the quantity and triple the price." 

I rolled my eyes and kept my gaze where it was, watching as we flew past other cars. The car came to a stop in front of the Grimaldi's estate and I climbed out as fast as I could, my purse hanging on one shoulder. I threw my hair over my shoulders after closing the door and sighed. I looked at myself in the window reflection. 

I had on a red blazer today with matching red pants. Hence, the red-tinted sunglasses. My purse remained black though, otherwise, it would be too much red. And just like my purse, my heels stayed black too. 

Buttoned or unbuttoned blazer? Unbuttoned. 

I pushed the button open, my black camisole showing now. I walked around the car as my dad climbed out and I waited for him to walk ahead of me. We walked in and the housekeeper led us to the grand backyard where they were hosting this brunch. We were walking to the long, rectangular table when I saw Allister. "How unfortunate," I said under my breath and kept walking. 

My dad sat down and a waiter, an actual waiter, offered to pull back my seat. 

"That's okay," I smiled, pulling it myself and sitting down. I looked up, pushing my sunglasses to my head, and realized we sat right across from Allister and his dad. 

He lifted a brow at me and I pulled my sunglasses back down, leaning back in the chair and looking around. I heard him chuckle, while he leaned back in his seat as well, watching me. 

"What about you, Mr. Allister?" 

I listened in on the conversation that was going on between Mr. Kieran and Mr. Grimaldi. 

"How's your business going?" 

"Which one?" 

Hahaha, so funny, isn't it? That you don't know if you should talk about the legal or illegal business. 

"Both," Mr. Grimaldi laughed. 

"I think what we do behind closed doors should stay behind closed doors, don't you?" 

Fair enough, please, keep it to yourself. 

"What about Delirium?" 

"Delirium is doing just fine," Ace said, nodding. "I believe Cole was there last night, you could ask him." 

Cole is Mr. Grimaldi's son. He's known for being an absolute spoiled brat. Having sex with every girl in sight, getting wasted every night, and coming home in the late mornings. 

"He drank too much last night, I hope he made it back just fine," Ace smirked. 

I pulled my lips into a thin line and bit back a chuckle. It was funny, it really was. 

Mr. Grimaldi laughed uncomfortably in response. Cole isn't here because he's probably sleeping, wearing his hangover off. It makes sense. 

Delirium is the club they run and own, by the way. That's their front, but they run it just as seriously as they run everything else. Ace is there every night, running both businesses from his office, I hear. I haven't been there but Aria has and she's told me all about it. 

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