21| Irresistible

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Chapter 21: Irresistible (Gianna's POV)

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, which isn't ideal for your first day as a married couple. I assumed he went to work and he is a busy man, so I was prepared to keep myself occupied. 

But then he came out of the bathroom with his hair damp and messy, water dripping down his bare chest and abs, and nothing but a black towel wrapped around his waist. I was still lying down while I stared at him. He hasn't noticed me yet. So, he moved to the closet and pulled it open, walking in and grabbing black trousers with a black button-up. "I know you're awake, Gianna," he sang. 

My eyes widened and I slowly pulled the covers up to my chin and then over my head. I heard him chuckle and then the closet doors closed. "Please tell me you'll change in the bathroom," I said, my voice coming out muffled from under the covers. 

"Why should I? I can change in my room." 

I groaned, keeping the covers over my head. I peeked when I felt the bed dip beside me. I looked over and found him sitting there, now dressed but his shirt was still left unbuttoned. 

"Morning," he smirked. 

"Morning," I mumbled, my eyes helplessly falling lower and lower and lower. "It's not fair," we said in sync. I frowned at him. "What is?" 

"The fact that you look but never touch. What were you talking about?" 

"The fact that you have all that to show." 

He shook his head. "That's not unfair. I work out, little Phoenix. If you work for something, you get it." 

"But how is that allowed?" 

He looked at me questioningly. 

"To look..." I trailed off with a sigh. "So fucking irresistible," I said to myself. 

"If you think I look irresistible then you have no idea what you look like to men." 

"Are you flirting with me?" 

"When am I not?" He tilted his head to one side. 

I pushed the covers off and then got out of bed, throwing my hair in a high ponytail. "Are you going to work?" I looked at him from the bathroom while I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and then started brushing my teeth. 

"Right now I'm going for breakfast. I'll see if I can stay back home." 

I turned around and stood at the door. "You don't have to skip work for me," I said, talking around my toothbrush. 

"No. But I want to." 

I blinked, watching him carefully. Is it just me or is he acting even more flirty and loving than usual? "Why?" 

"Because we just got married, do I need more reason than that?" 

I finished brushing my teeth and then walked out and to the closet. "You have pretty serious work to do though. Organize a club, strike deals with mobsters, threaten people." I glanced at him. "Kill people." I couldn't help but throw the jab. "So, are you sure your lovely wife is worth skipping all that for?" 

"Is my lovely, gorgeous, sexy, and kind of scary wife worth skipping on all the mobsters and bloodshed? Is that even a question?" He smirked and stood up, walking over to me. "She most certainly is." 

I lifted a brow. 

"She's worth it." 

I narrowed my eyes, trying to assess his behavior. 

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