15| Accomplished

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Chapter 15: Accomplished (Gianna's POV)

While I stood in the changing room, pulling the absolutely gorgeous dress on, I was pouting. 

Because Ace Allister is a frustrating and tricky man. His behavior towards me is obviously much more gentle and kind, but I get the feeling he doesn't like me. Because if he liked me then he would have kissed me by now. But he hasn't. He flirts with me, smiles at me, stares at me, both when I am and even when I'm not looking. But why won't he just kiss me? 

"Smile, smile, smile, make him fall in love," I whispered very softly to myself while throwing my hair over my shoulders. "I'm coming out, Allister. Close your eyes!" 

"They're closed," he laughed. 

I unlocked the door and pulled it open. The employee stared at the dress, sparkles in her eyes. Well, it's mine. "Could you give us a moment, please?" I mumbled, hoping he didn't hear me. 

She nodded and then left, closing the main doors behind her. 

I stood in the middle of the room and fixed the dress, making sure it was splayed out perfectly. "You can look now." 

His hands remained tucked into his pockets while he opened one eye and then the other. He stared at me, his eyes slowly going down the length of the dress and then coming back up. 

I don't understand. He hasn't kissed me yet but when he looks at me like that, it feels like his gaze kisses every inch of me that he just looked at. Well, I guess that's progress. I spun around, looking at myself in the mirror. "What do you think?" I stared at myself, too nervous to see his reaction. I glanced at him through the mirror. He's still staring. "Aren't the sparkles pretty?" 


"Do I have you speechless, Allister?" I chuckled, watching him in the mirror. He swallowed once, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "Okay, if you're not going to say anything then you can go. At least the employee here would compliment me." 

He walked over, pulling his hands out of his pockets. 

I spun around, facing him. "If you don't like it then you can say that, I won't..." I trailed off, staring at him. "What's wrong?" 

He hasn't stopped staring and now that's even closer, it's making me nervous. He sighed and tilted his head to one side. "I don't like you." 

Well, there's my plan then. 

"But I want to kiss you." 

Or not. 

"Hmm?" I perked up, my eyebrows shooting up and my eyes going wide. "You what?" 

He put his left arm around my waist and pulled me forward, my front pressed up against his. He tilted my chin up with a single finger and then leaned down. He leaned down but he didn't kiss me. He's still watching me. 

"You're stupid if you think I'll do it first," I mumbled, my lips nearly brushing against his. 

He smirked and then closed the distance between us, his lips crashing into mine. His finger slipped from under my chin and he wrapped his hand around my throat barely squeezing but squeezing just enough to tell me he's the one running this kiss, he's the one in charge, not me. 

But he doesn't know he just did exactly what I wanted him to. Mission accomplished. To make him fall in love with me, to make him trust me, we need to have physical contact, we have to get intimate. My goal is to kill him and I can only get anywhere close when he lets me. For that to happen, he needs to be in love, and clearly, for love to be in the picture, we need to get intimate. How intimate am I really willing to get? I hope he doesn't expect anything on our wedding night. 

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