11| Etched

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Chapter 11: Etched (Gianna's POV)

For the first time in my life, I saw Ace Allister falter. And maybe the first time in his life, he did. "Bye," he said softly. He's never spoken so softly to me. It's always words of venom. Not tonight though. 

I watched him carefully. "Are you all right? You're acting weird." We walked behind our fathers. They were leaving now, so we were seeing them out. 

"I'm..." he trailed off. 

I watched him, biting back an amused smile. "In your head?" 

He kept staring ahead of him and walking. He's walking towards a vase, not the door. 

I kept walking with him, waiting for him to run into it and drop it. I grabbed his hand, pulling him to a halt and he blinked, snapping out his thoughts and turning to me. "The front door is that way." I pointed a little to the right. 

He sighed, running a hand through his hair, shaking it out. "I'm just going to go." 

"Mm-hmm," I nodded, unwrapping my fingers from around his hand, letting go. But he didn't let go of mine. "Allister." 


I held up our hands, wiggling my fingers back and forth, smirking in amusement. 

He let go and sighed. "I'll see you at the engagement." 

"Not before that?" I teased. 

He shook his head. "I'm going to be really busy." 


"It's business." 

I nodded in understanding. "Which one?" 

He rolled his eyes. "The one you don't like." 

"Then I won't wish you luck." 

"Bye," he nodded in acknowledgment and turned to leave. 

"Bye!" I called out, catching everybody's attention. 

He spun around and walked backward, sending me a wave with his smirk back in place. 

I rolled my eyes and turned back around, walking to my dad. "What?" I asked, receiving a knowing look from him. 

"I think you like him, Gianna." 

I think you have no idea what I'm planning. 

"He's not bad," I shrugged. 

My dad threw his arm around my shoulder, walking back inside with me. "I want you to have a nice marriage, kiddo. You're a good daughter." 

"Am I?" I watched him, feeling an unexpected burn in my eyes. 

He's never said that to me, ever. He nodded, ruffling my hair. "You're a great daughter. And I'm very proud of you," he smiled. 

"Really? Even though I couldn't replace Chase?" 

"You're not meant to, my dear. Chase was who he was, you are who you are. I'm just proud of how you handled yourself after that. And where you brought Phoenix with the clothes and the dresses. People love what you do. And I'm sure Ace will love you," he grinned. His smile turned upside down into a frown. "Why are you crying?" 

"Am I?" I chuckled, bringing my hand up, brushing my cheeks. I was crying. "I don't know. Maybe I just... miss Chase." 

"Me too, honey. Well, you go to bed now, okay? I'll see you tomorrow. Why don't I drop you off at work?" 

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