26| Date

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Chapter 26: Date (Ace's POV)

Owen knocked on the door and then came into my office. 

"Yes, Owen?" I asked, reading through an old contract. And according to it, somebody's late on their payments. 

"Suzie isn't coming in today. Her daughter isn't well." 

I think that's our bartender. Whoever it is, it doesn't matter. "That's okay, ask someone else to cover her shift." 

"Summer would normally do that but she isn't here either." 

"And why isn't she here?" 

"I don't know. She didn't inform us in advance, she just didn't show up." 

I closed the contract and looked back up. "Then find out why she isn't here. If it's a valid reason, that's okay. If it's not, then fire her."

He sighed, "You can't fire employees so easily." 

"Of course, I can. It's not like we do it without telling them where to go work instead. Find a replacement. Boy, girl, man, woman, it doesn't matter. And send someone to bring in Danny Wilson." 

He straightened up. "Danny Wilson? The man you signed a contract with months ago?" 

"Yes. He's late on his pay." 

He paused for a second. "Should I keep the cleaner's back?" 

"Yes, the room might get bloody," I nodded. 

"Okay," he said under his breath before leaving. A minute later, he knocked and stuck his head back in. 


"You have a visitor." 

I looked up from the computer. "And that is?" 

"Um, Mrs. Allister." 

I stared, not knowing how to respond. 

"Your wife, sir." 

"I know who that is, Owen. Send her in." 

He nodded once and then pushed the door open completely, holding it for her. She strolled in with a wide smile on her face. I took in her outfit, which I somehow like more now than I did this morning. She has on a faded teal blue blazer dress with a white Gucci belt around her waist and she has on matching white heels. Her hair has been pulled up in a sleek high ponytail and she has makeup on today. Teal glitter in her inner corners which is blending out into her lower lashline. "Hi," she sang, stopping in front of my desk, fucking beaming. 

Is it that easy to make her like me? 


"It's one-thirty." 


"So, it's time for lunch." She stuck one hand out. 

"So?" I mumbled in confusion. 

"So? Take me out to lunch, come on. It's the lunch break." She dropped her hand and walked around the table, stopping beside me. "I want to go out to lunch with you. Don't you guys have a lunch break around here?" 

"My staff does, I don't." 

"So... you just don't eat?" 

"I order in." 

"That can't be healthy," she snickered. "Let's go, come on." She held her out again, her fingers dancing. "It's a date." 

"A date?" I echoed. 

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