16| Desire

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Chapter 16: Desire (Ace's POV)

Her eyes widened and she stepped closer, putting her hand over my eyes. "You can't be here," she whisper-yelled. "What if an employee walks in?" 

"I locked the main door." 

"Why?" She whined. 

"Because of you." 

"What did I do?" 

I pulled her down and she put her other hand over my eyes. I huffed, "You know what you did. Did you do it on purpose?" 

"Do what?" 


She hesitated. "Maybe." 

I pulled her other hand down. "Why?" 

"Just to see." 

"To see what? How fast you can get me hard?" 

She rolled her eyes. "Don't be crude." 

"If you think that's crude you have a whole new thing coming for you," I scoffed. 

"Allister, get out. Let me get dressed." 

"Go ahead and get dressed, don't mind me." 

She glared at me, working her jaw. "You should get just as naked as I am right now and we should call this even." She reached for her dress but I beat her to it, holding it behind my back. "What do you want from me?" she drawled. 

I stared at her, my eyes sinking down and then floating back up. 

She didn't squirm under my gaze or get nervous or even shift. She didn't give a fuck. She tried reaching behind to grab the dress but I leaned down and kissed her before she could even think. This is her fault. It's completely her fault. She's the one who stirred up a desire in me and then left me hanging. She didn't leave when I asked her to. No. She waited until I told her I was losing control and then she left me wanting more. She had to have done it on purpose, there's no way she doesn't know what she's doing. She's intentionally making me drawn to her and stirring up all kinds of desires. 

Mostly sexual. 

But she knows damn well what she's doing. And the way she's kissing me back, going on her toes, and grabbing my shirt proves me right. Maybe she did it subconsciously, but she did it. She made the mess, now she better fix it up and clean it. 

When we broke away to breathe, I noticed the stool in the corner of the small room. So, naturally, I threw her dress on the floor and grabbed her waist, moving towards it. I sat down, my hands resting on her hips and pulling her down until she straddled me with her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck, holding on. 

"You're going to get me in trouble," she sighed. 

"You started it," I retorted. 

"You should have finished it, not continued it," she scolded. 

"I'm not stupid," I scoffed, pulling her closer and leaning forward to kiss her neck. 

"I think you are," she laughed dryly. 

"Takes one to know one," I mumbled against her skin. 

"You're a dick. Let me have the last word," she said, her voice more breathy now. 

"Can't do that, little Phoenix. I like to win." I found her most sensitive spot, near her collar bone, when I kissed it and she tensed up. She grabbed my shoulders and pushed back and while I didn't want to, but I stopped. "Tell me to stop and I will. Say it." 

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