34| Winner

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Chapter 34: Winner (Ace's POV)

We arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon, Bahamas time and everybody was taken to the hotel and checked in there. Obviously, the Roberts were catering to their family first, so currently, Gianna and I are sitting on the couch in the main lobby, waiting until it's a little less crowded to go and get our keys. 

"Why aren't we getting the keys?" She was looking around. 

"Because there are a lot of people in line to get theirs," I replied. 

She sighed, leaning back on the couch and putting her head on my shoulder. "Can we go to the beach today?" 

"We just got here today so we probably shouldn't exert ourselves." 

"So we'll just stay cooped up in the room?" 

"We'll just spend today cuddling in the room, yes." 

"Really?" She grinned, pulling her head up and looking at me. 

I nodded. 

"Then let's get the keys, please." 

I chuckled, "Okay. Wait here, I'll go get it." I made my way to the desk, squeezing past the rest of the crowd. 

"Your name, sir?" 

"Ace Allister." 

She typed my name into the computer and then retrieved the key cards. "Here you go, enjoy your stay." 

"Thank you." I walked back over, not bothering with the luggage because I knew that was probably already sent to our room. "Let's go." I stuck my hand out. 

She grabbed onto it and pulled herself up, both of us heading to the elevator and then going up to our room with a few other guests that were here for the wedding. We made it to our room and I unlocked the door. She skipped inside and over to the window, pushing the curtains and gasping at the direct view that we had of the beach. "Look how pretty!" 

I walked over, standing behind her and putting my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder. "Hmm, very pretty," I mumbled, kissing her cheek and then her jaw and then her neck. She chuckled softly, holding my arms that were around her waist when my phone rang. I groaned and answered it. "Yes, dad?" 

"Ace, everybody is going to the beach in an hour. Make sure you and Gianna join them." 

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "All right. What about you?" 

"Not us. Theo, and you, Gianna, all the kids your age, son. We're going to play poker at a casino nearby." 

"Okay, dad. Have fun, bye." He hung up and I tossed my phone on the bed. 

"What's wrong?" she asked, turning to look at me. 

"Nothing. My dad was just saying that we should join everybody at the beach. They're leaving in a few minutes." 

"Should we go?" 

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged. "But we have some time to kill. What shall we do then?" 


I shook my head, my nose scrunching up. 


"Maybe," I shrugged, grabbing her waist and walking backward to the bed. I grabbed the back of her thighs and pulled her forward until she was straddling me. 

"Kiss?" She smirked. 

I nodded. 

She leaned forward with one of her hands holding the back of my neck. Our lips met in another kiss and I wanted to lay down but I put my hands on the bed, holding myself up. Because once we lay down, we may not get back up and out of bed. She slid her hands down my chest and then my abs, deepening the kiss. She's never been so bluntly dominating and demanding in a kiss. 

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