2: Enemy Territory

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My chest heaves up and down, fingers playing my stomach like a piano, eyes glued to a specific part of the ceiling that's a different color than the rest where a hole once had been

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My chest heaves up and down, fingers playing my stomach like a piano, eyes glued to a specific part of the ceiling that's a different color than the rest where a hole once had been. Even in the dark, I can tell the section is odd-looking. I don't even wanna know what had happened there for them to do such a shotty job. The square that had been cut is crooked and the plaster was put on way too thick. Why wouldn't they paint it? Whoever had patched up the hole in the ceiling was a hacker. This motel is creepy. It even has a Norman Bates-looking dude who had handed me my key with a smile that stretched too far up his face. It's safe to say, I will not be showering tonight... or at all as long as I'm staying at this straight-out-of-a-horror-movie motel.

I may have even gone as far as to check to see if there were any peepholes.

Don't want little Norm to catch a glimpse at my goodies.

Anyway, that's not why my stomach is tensing, loosening, tensing, loosening like an accordion.

A crashing sound from outside my door makes me jump right up and I stare wide-eyed at my door... they're here. They found me. I'm dead. Hot biker dudes are going to kill me in this sketchy motel room as Norman Bates records the whole thing and watches it.

Girl, you have watched way too many horror movies.

Paranoid should be my middle name.

My heart pounds in my ears as I listen but am only rewarded with the sounds of the cicadas, singing loudly into the night. A door shutting in the distance makes me calm down a little. It must've just been someone heading to their room.

Gosh! I can't believe I ran away?!

That's right. I had run away from the two brothers. Without saying anything else to them. I jumped in my car, and became Vin Diesel, slamming my foot on the gas, my tires spitting dirt out all around me.

I'm lucky I hadn't spun out.

But I had panicked.


Oh, I don't know? Maybe because they were lethally gorgeous yet at the same time terrifying. There was also the fact they are bikers and Quinn is going to kill me once he finds out what I've done. I mean, the guy loves me like a sister but...

Addie is his whole world.

I've never seen Quinn so attentive and protective of someone. He's always been a protector but the way he is with Addie, God! It's something I dream of having. Instead, it looks like I'll be planning future weddings for all my friends, collecting bridesmaids' dresses I'll never wear again, and only have the company of my flowers.

I'm so pathetic.

Groaning, I flip onto my stomach, smacking my face against the creaking bed. I don't know what I was expecting in finding the brothers. Lawyers, construction workers, maybe dancers themselves... but bikers?!

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