28: Meet Your Match

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Adonis is about to lose it.

We were all sitting here in the big booth, laughing, having a much-needed great time. I'm pretty sure Quinn is in bromance love with Lee and Adonis. And yes, Nick is jelly. If Shae was here and not at work, he would be too.

But anyway.

I digress.

Me, Lee, Adonis, Nick, Quinn, and Addie were chatting away about the wedding and Addie sweetly asked in a shy voice if Adonis would come and he said he wouldn't miss it. My heart literally burst for Addie as her eyes lit up, but then... the moment was ruined, snuffed out, squashed by chic cowgirl boots and wicked smile.


This time her target... Adonis.

And yes, she made herself very comfortable in the seat next to him. She is a strategic she-demon, she sits close but not too close to rise suspicion, her touches borderline between friendly to sensual, and her eyes twinkle with curiosity but the hidden intent is there.

"How are you liking Kentucky?" She asks, smiling, showcasing all her pearly whites. It would be gloriously epic if her lipstick was smudged on a tooth, so she looked stupid. But no, she looks flawless as always. "Addie loved it so much she stole my man and stayed."

She shrugs then continues. "Then, Lee, here shows up and tells me he's already taken." My heart soars at that, realizing that's what he had said to Lauren the first day he had met her. "But you, honey," she says, leaning into Adonis. "I don't care if you're taken or not."

Quinn's expression hardens and Addie snuggles into him as he pulls her in, as if he could physically protect her from Lauren's passive-aggressive nastiness. "Lauren, I think it's best for you to go. We've all been civil but lately you only come to cause trouble and I'm getting fed up with it."

"Oh?" She breathes out, her brow rising and a snarl replacing her smile. "I remember you saying something similar after I would have to deal you lashing out after one of you flashbacks. Pretty sure it's why we broke up. Not man enough to have a strong woman around so you got a little meek one instead."

Lee and Adonis both still as Addie's little face reddens, her fist clutching onto Quinn's shirt as her eyes narrow into slits, pure distaste for Lauren coating her expressions. "Enough, Lauren."

Lauren tilts her head, staring at Addie, analyzing her with those vivid blue eyes. "Be careful, sweetie. There were times I thought he'd push me around. He always seemed... unpredictable after a flashback" She lifts her coffee mug to her lips, blowing at the steam. "You never know what he may be capable of."

Nick slams his fist on the table. "What the hell are you insinuating?"

"Just that men who suffer from PTSD have a history of hurting the people they love." Lauren simply states.

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