18: Common Ground

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Once again I have a bag of peas nursing a part of my body a Robinson had decided to use their mighty monk fist on

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Once again I have a bag of peas nursing a part of my body a Robinson had decided to use their mighty monk fist on.

This time it was Nick.

Guy punched me in the face and busted my cheek, but I wear it like a badge of honor. Ellie wants me to stay, she kissed me, and then I devoured her the way she should be. A woman who's so unbelievably beautiful inside and out deserves to be wanted no matter who's around.

So yeah, her brother giving me a shiner is no big deal.

I get it though.

I would've done the same for Jojo.

Thin warm fingers touch my cold ones that hold the package of peas to my face. The tiny hand pulls mine and the ice pack back. My breath leaves my lungs at the sight of her again. Addie gives me a small smile, eyes twinkling with concern and laughter as she checks my cheek.

"Sorry, Nick is pretty protective of Ellie. You'd understand if you knew some of the history there."

The peas crunch in my hand, sounding off like a white noise as if something is being poured into a plastic container. "What kind of history?"

Addie's small smile grows, a touch of wickedness curling at the right corner of her mouth. She sits down on the couch next to me, every movement graceful as if her limbs are always dancing. Even the way she gently lays her arm on the back of the couch is lyrical.

"That's for Ellie to tell but..." Addie pauses, her eyes assessing me like I'm a cryptic code. "Please don't hurt her. She's one of the most important people to me and she has a big heart."

"I'm aware. Her big heart makes her reckless." I state as I sit the bag of peas on the coffee table. "Makes her self-preservation almost nonexistent and for me to want to--"

"Protect her?" Addie interrupts, her question heavy between us.

My arm hairs prickle, rising, and I watch the dark course hair lifts and hovers almost looking as if they are vibrating. My gaze flicks up to Nick who's scowling at me, eyes blazing and so much like his sisters. "He's not going to be my biggest fan, huh?"

Addie's dainty should nudges mine, gaining my attention back to her. "Don't worry, he's a big softy and will warm up to you... if you don't hurt his sister. Rach is the scary one you'll have to deal with."

My mouth twitches, a smirk forming. "Yeah, I met her already. She and Ellie were face timing when I intervened. Said I was a gorgeous specimen." The smirk falls though when I remember what had happened as soon as Rach had ended the call.

Addie stiffens next to me. "So, Rach knew and didn't tell me either."

This time I nudge her, those eyes dust over with hurt and fill with a void vacancy. "Ellie wanted to protect you, as did Rach. They didn't want to hide it from you."

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