Hello, Little Sister

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So, hey there! I'm posting my first chapter! YAY!!!!! XD!
Anyway, just a reminder, these are unedited-- Raw and unclean (Ayyyy lol).
So please, COMMENTS & NOTES! I'm looking for your opinion and whatever thoughts you have. Id LOVE to hear what ANYONE has to say!

Also I do realize this needs cleaning up more. My first person narrative is rusty...Maybe even needs shortening, some spelling and event regrouping but I think I did good either way. Still. Feel free to point them out or give suggestions, every bit helps.

Thanks a bunch!


AE :)


💘 💘 💘

🌹Edit: 07/06/21 🌹

❤Hi happy viewer's!

I've been busy and i really need to get going on this! So I have made some edits- nothing final- but its coming together! So happy! Im going to be putting down words to page now so don't give up on me! More to come in the coming days I promise. Lol

Member- comments, opinions, thoughts!

I wanna hear from yall!

Happy reading ;)





Blood tasted like metal. That thought stood out hard in my head everytime the taste coated my tongue. The blood in your body held heavy amounts of metal and the dominant flavor was noticed when tasted. It was a curious thing, the place your mind went to when in shock or fear. LIttle things, small curiosities, facts, or just thoughts piped up to occupy the mind from its current stress. Why did it matter what it tasted like? For that matter, who cared? If the pain wasn't taking such a large part of my attention, I may have laughed at the silliness of my wandering mind.

My head struck the wall from the force of the blow. I screamed. Silly, I know, since no one would hear. Or was it they heard and didn't care? A burst of stars lit behind my eyes from the impact and the scream ended on a whimper. I kept put, my head resting against the wall and my eyes staring nowhere while I waited for what came next. I couldn't stop my lip trembling, the swollen tissue stung and said blood still layering its flavor in my mouth. I swallowed, ingesting it for probably the millionth time in my life. I should have blood in my urine. As much of it as I've swallowed in my years.

In my corner eye, I viewed Darus cradling his fist. He'd cut himself on teeth and it would hurt. Probably swell and need wrapping. Although it wasn't much, that small karma held some satisfaction for me. He deserved more than a little throbbing hand, but one took what mercies they could. His anger still floated in the room, drowning everything in its clotting smell and thick, choking hormones. I hated myself, but I responded to that release, tensing and bracing tighter for what came next. I held back the impulse to posture, my dynamic demanding submission for the Alpha in the room. Even if it broke me, i would fight in my own ways to show him a big, fat "fuck you' However possible.

Darus bristled, his feet still braced apart and body taught, and redirected his attention from his hand to me, "you stupid fat bitch!" he barked. His chest practically heaved with unreleased fury. I seldom witnessed him out of control. Darus loved to make a show of his reserved and controlled lunicay.

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