"Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down. ."

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Ok. So technically, this has been done for days ( Swear 0_0 ) but its been rough. A small one is in the children's hospital at the moment + Covid + Infections = Well, distractions to say the least.

I have a couple of things I will be sharing but.. Well- you'll see 😊 😈.

Anyway, my excitement is dampered some what by my current events but I'm happy nonetheless for putting pen to paper.
If you'd Like to ripen my spirits, you know how!


As I always say, your comments are the highlight of my day and I could use some kind words.

- AE ;)


My shift at Vandals is ending in ten minutes and my relief is palpable. It's been almost a year since I started here and I have since then moved from the upstairs "room" to my own private apartment some blocks away. Not the safest by far, but it is private and mine alone. Interesting how life will take you the strangest of places. This would not be where I imagined life to take me as a young girl. At times the raw harshness of my reality clouds me, often washing away my sense of accomplishment and positive aspirations. Although unjust, it is hard coming to terms with the naked truth of my situation. Self pity accomplishes nothing though, especially in the reality of things.

Still, a small part of me will always mourn for the child lost and the woman who shall never be. I wondered at the way of life, curious at how my own mother would think of who I'd become and if she would have approved. These thoughts are often followed by a heavy sense of melancholy. What I remember of my birth mother is reduced to faint impressions of a person I knew not enough about to gauge a true outline of her character, of her being. The images have faded to low lights shadowing large warm eyes, so like my own, and rich brown skin that smelled of lemon and vanilla. A woman with heavy, ample curves whose voice stuck with me longer than anything else about her. My Aunt told me my mother died of a broken heart long before she found solace in death.

"You're a gift, Mina'' My mother, Deira murmurs, her eyes soft with warmth of love.

"The day I told your father I was pregnant, he strutted around the rest of the week, tremendous in pride" she laughs at the memory.

"You come from a proud and strong people, Mina" A kiss lands softly on my temple "Never forget, your the daughter of warriors"

Even after my mother passed and I was left in the care of my loving aunt, I prayed the stories she told to me, with such conviction, of my mighty people would come true. That the father I had never met, a great General by my mothers tales, would race to rescue the child of his seed and Mating of his one true love. How I had hoped and prayed and begged it to be true. No surprise, but that never came to fruition. Darus showed me the cruelty of that truth.

Water sloshes as I toss the dirty rag back into the bucket near me and finish cleaning up the vomit. This is courtesy of the now tossed out beta client who decided to try a free "sample" of the merchandise by the name of Starlet. While Vandals does have security, the girls themselves can hold their own almost as well as any man, as demonstrated by Starlet when she kicked his balls through his mouth.

After swinging around the back of the bar to fetch the trash, I make my way to the back door leading to the alleyway trash compactor. The space is narrow but clean and I confidently walk a few yards down to the opposite wall to dump the garbage. You may think it foolish to be back here alone so late in the night, but no one is dumb enough to emproach on Vandals. No one.

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