Mina's Monster

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Why hello, all! I have a little more for you here! So take your time to enjoy the read! and as always:



- AE ;)


The smell is what wakes me.

It's clotting and thick. My instincts always serve me well and right now, something is off. The feel in the air around has changed, and I know why the moment my eyes flash open.


Bile threatens to erupt from my empty stomach as I come to. The picture of Ginger standing before me, his cock out in hand and wet seed splashed on the ground at my foot, is beyond unwelcomed. Horror dawns as I realize my ankle is wet on the extended leg nearest to his mess. This crazy, nasty mother fucker. I silently fume to myself. My eyes jump to his where he stands some few feet in front of me. The sun is descending, indicating I was left to sleep longer than originally intended. Ginger's large form is shadowed by the burnt orange setting horizon; yet the tense, threatening posture of his position leaves no doubt to his state of mind. The air stinks of overly aggressive Beta male seed and his face is etched with desirous intent.

Fear snakes through me as I take in his fisted cock, noting it is an oozing wod of jizz dried over a couple times. Monster stains matte his crotch area and the smell is one of old mixed with new. He has been at this a time. I do not even attempt to hide my look of utter revolusion at this knowledge. He sneers harder.

Of all the things I could have said, I go with:

"You have issues"

A ugly smile stretches across his face as he replies "Im going to enjoy this"

Cringe "But im not" I answer under my breath. Loudly.

Stall. Stall. "What happened to the plan? I thought I was a delivery?" I say, a slight tremble to my words. Dammit, I hate being this scared. But I am. Scared. Very scared. And he is loving it. Frantically, I grope around behind me, ignoring the throb of my injury. My chest heaves with my fear and adrenaline but i desperately need to figure something out or I'm dead. A small triumph burst in me when my hand connects with a sizable rock. I grip it painfully in my hand. Its not much but it will have to do.

He moves forward slowly, anticipation vibrating in his every muscle. He shrugs at my question.

"That stupid Jap shouldve listened to me. We have been compromised. I could finish the drop and get paid" He pauses, giving me a lewd once over.

"But I know when things are getting too hot, so I think I'll have some fun with you before I cut tail" He laughs. The sound all kinds of fucking crazy.

We have very different versions of fun, I think inwardly. I shimmy myself up the big rock to my feet, winking at the tenderness of my healing arm. An oily smirk is plastered to one side of his face as he takes in my feeble attempt at standing.

"Fight if youd like" He says, rolling invisible kinks from his shoulders. "Ill fuck you either way, but im sure youd prefer it be painless as possible" Ginger sucks his teeth at that comment, sick glee lighting his face

I ignore that, barely. "Compromised? What does that mean?" I ask in confusion, Then side step with a quick lung when he moves forward to grab at me. This only adds to his visibly mounting frustrations. I know I do not have the energy to go at this with him for long. Not for long at all. Fear, adrenaline, and good old fashion survival instincts are all that are keeping me upright for the moment.

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