Suddenly, Wha..?

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I pride myself on sensibility, so its not hard to deduce that turning down a Sex God crime boss would spell trouble for little ol me. So... I dont. See? Sensible.

I'm flanked by three men, two betas and an Alpha. While the betas follow behind, the Alpha male takes lead down a short hall to the back where three black luxury vehicles await. I'm a bit stunned to see that I will be escorted with all three vehicles in tow.

Now, about that Alpha...

I dont think he likes me.

By Alpha, I do mean the one playing babysit here. He gives me a cold look of indifference. As if he could fuck me then put a bullet between my eyes. Yeah. That kind of fucked up. I'm offended from the look alone. I mean, well, I'm scared of course, but yeah. Offense is still totally being taken.

I watch him stride before me, all purpose and direction, and take an inventory of his mannerisms. He's big. Really big. Now, his boss most definitely has him beat in that department, but he is still a very close contender. Just as wide across and tall, he gives an aura of stealth and deadly calm precision. Rocrouix has the walk of a powerful, dominating, confident warlord. He sucks all the air out of the room, being bigger than life. Its almost as if there's no room for you both in the same space. When his focus is completely on you, you're under the spotlight and the attention is just so... consuming. Arresting

Dark and scary is terrifying, on the other hand. He is quiet. And I do mean quiet. I don't hear him move or make noise. There is a void of space around him, a nothingness. It's less like darkness and more an absence of light. No smiles, no humor marks that face. His look comes across as your being entirely dismissed or beneath him. It's just that, you know you're being closely scrutinized. Preyed. Measured. Been found wanting.

Dark hair. Black pants. Black shirt. Black shoes. Black. Black, black. The man seems to disappear into the shadows. He's just dark. A intense scar cuts painfully through one eye from top to bottom. Starting right above the eyebrow and slashed down past the curve of his cheek. Like a lion clawed him. Ouch. That same eye is milky white, almost pale. When given his attention, its almost owlish. Unblinking, shiver, caught in sight.

"Ah.. Excessive much?" I comment to the Alpha seated across from me. The car is a large extended seater SUV. Two rows of seats face each other and a tinted window cuts passengers off from the driver. Luxury in that the land tires can withdraw within the vehicle and convert it to a hovercraft. Expensive.

"Exceedingly so" Is said, Monotoned.

Oh hell no, I think. Creepy immediately comes to mind. Right after Sociopathic. Now, I hate to be prejudicial, but I have to admit. This Alpha gives off "Puts the lotion on its Skin!" Vibes. The feeling I'm not liked is kind of Suffocating in the back seat. Sure wish he would have kept his ass up front. He doesn't even know me enough to feel any kind of way about me. That's fine. I'd be cranky too if my boss had me babysitting some chick he suddenly met just because he got an Alpha hard on. Waste of skill if you ask me.

I relay my address. Yes my real one, because come on you think they cant get it if they want it? So home it is. Like crime royalty, we pull out and go about the way to my home. It's only about a thirty five minute ride back to my side of town, but it is the start of Triedon's Lunar Month Celebrations, the most lavish, celebratory time of the Triedion year. At solar cycle's end, there will be the Triedon solar Red Moon eclipse. This once yearly occurrence dates back centuries and on the last day of this solid cycle, the two moons cross to eclipse the entire planet in Red. It is a time of recreation, of life and of death. Rebirth. We celebrate the blood spilled by The Great Mother in order to bring us into being. With blood women sacrifice, as penance, for the blessing of life and the sacred gift of creation.

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