Hot and Bothered

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Well, tell me how im doing, silly! Sometimes you dont know if people are even enjoying it or if they want you to keep going on so, hey, just a few words (Even if to say good job!) Makes ALL the difference. Thanks!

Note: this is a shorter chapter. I lost a lot of it somehow and my attention is a little divided so forgive me, k? Lol. Anyway, ENJOY!

-AE ;)


"It's so hot. Why is it so hot?"

I shimmy a little, Desperate to rid myself of stifling layers of extra warmth. A throbbing at my core is making itself known and a pulse squeezes my empty channel, drawing a small whimper of noise from me. Im confused at the sudden achiness, the intensity of its onset. The hardened points of my nipples rub abrasively against soft fabric and I nibble my lower lip at the pleasure expanding. Still, it's so warm and I grunt with rising displeasure. I shimmy once more, this time more insistently. Then a breeze of cool air fans hot flesh as my skin is exposed and I sigh. Much better.

My core throbs stronger and I arch when a humming purr of noise filters through me. Relief and building tension war inside my body and the pressure becomes a needy demand. What is this? My cheek is pressed against a hard yet malleable surface. A little bumpy but oh so comfy with its solid structure. The smell under my nose cascades waves of delicious scents that have my stomach clinch hard. I jerk, a moan swimming from my throat at the sensation and shift my hips, trying to find relief from the pressure. I feel my body slightly jolted, then yess, I'm pressed into something hard and thick and good. I immediately grind down, Desperate to chase the pleasure.

I rub my slightly parted mouth back and forth, burrowing my nose in the fabric before me. The barrier frustrates me, blocking me from the underlying scent detected underneath. As with my hips, I'm shifted, then a waft of skin and aroma assaults my senses. A whine breaks from me and I glide my tongue out to taste whatever smells so decadent. Just a taste, my bleary, intoxicated mind reasons.

My skin is tight as I feel heat warming me at my base. I release a small sound, the throbbing of arousal surges across me. Edginess rides my nerves and I experience a flush of pleasure when I inhale a scent of earthy musk and Something else... something dark. Alluring. My thighs tremble as I begin to ride the ridge of hard, heated pressure against my wet lips, crying out when it slides between my soaked slit and tunnels through the folds to stab my hardened clitorous. Awareness floats between the rocketing desire and fuzzy subconsciousness. My eyes, heavy lidded and weak, crack open and I'm met with a strip of corded neck. Strong and masculine, the head moves to further expose more skin and with peaking pleasure I take advantage.

My back arches while I slide my mouth upward, sucking salty flesh, til I reach a crook where a concentrate of that heady smell bursts forth. The purring hmms vibrate my breast and cause blood to flood the points of my hardened nipples, almost painfully. Cramps twist in my abdomen and pleasure builds as I ride the hardness plowing through my soft, aching flesh. My frantic jerks aren't enough to push me over the peak and a cry of anguish tears from me.

Suddenly, a motion takes over and I am practically bounced over the tool of my torture. A pounding starts, the hard ridge between my wet lips almost hammering through my flesh. I scream and jerk upright in an rigid arch, my head thrown back. Wakefulness is rapidly piercing through and heavy lidded eyes meet a cold grey one and its scared, milky white twin. Kane.

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