Willful Disobedience

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Im back with another chapter! Hope you enjoy!


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A.E ;)


I lay back, fuming. I need to get the hell out of here. Not only that but also, fuck you, dude. Grr Argh!!

But if I'm being honest, I'm weak. Very weak. This whole ordeal has been too crazy to believe and getting crazier still. I'd like nothing more than to sleep for like, a month.

Time to regroup. New plan of action.

I can't just walk out. Not one ounce of viable energy at the moment to do that. So I have to bide my time. Rejuvenate. Before that time, however, I have to get a hold of Sala. I swallow. She could be in danger. She is in danger. It claws at me knowing I'm going to have to sit by another day, hoping shes lucky enough not to draw any attention until I can get in contact to warn her.

Hunger has begun to gnaw at me, demanding I satisfy its demand. As if on cue, the door opens and a severe looking woman enters with a cart carrying food. Food. The smell is too good. She brings it around, detaches the tray and leans into me to place it over my lap where two legs automatically extend to hold it up. After uncovering the dishes, she moves back and heads to the wall on the other side of my head, gliding her fingers across the large Halo screen that is monitoring my vitals.

"Eat what you can, slowly. But try to finish the meal, you need the protein and iron. You've had some heavy blood loss and you're severely dehydrated."

She motions to the tray. "Vitamin and Mineral enriched hydration has been provided for you in the pitcher with your food. Drink it"

I cock a brow at her. Bossy, eh? Moreover-

"Who are you?" I ask.

She looks at me with a patient expression that's, well, not all that patient. We look at each other. What? What's the deal, lady? Am I not supposed to know who is giving me instructions? She smells clinical, clean and unassuming. Dressed smartly in a short sleeve, tucked in cream colored button up top and brown pressed slacks, the woman gives a simple presentation. Bare of makeup and nails painted a simple mauve, she is silent as her black sandals click around the cozy space.

Oh, I didn't mention the space, did I?

Cozy isn't really the word to describe it. Lavish would fit the surrounding space more adequately.

The sleeping platform is large and circular, hovering off the ground with a strong light that glows from underneath, giving it a halo like effect. I'm angled in a sitting position by the mattress that adjusts to prop me forward as desired. The sheets, crisp white, cover entirely and end at the bottom under a partially folded comforter chocolate brown in color. In front of me is a giant Halo screen flickering black at the borders with a tasteful jacquard detail. Rich people.

The floor is cream marble and furniture suede lush in black. Rocrouix abandoned chair seated to my side is one of a few accent chairs, tufted and in the same black suede but with long legged post. Exquisite black and silver drapes cover the floor to ceiling windows I earlier noted the outside sunrise from- comfortably hosting a large, plush, extended window bench. Off to the left, further into the room ahead, I see the opening to what I can already tell is a decadent wash room in design and structure.

A spacious table is near the entrance and double closet doors are right outside the washroom, a dim light inside illuminating a walk in space. I'm impressed. Seriously, I'm impressed. It's not a palace by a long shot, but to be even one of a multitude of properties in ownership, I. am. Impressed.

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