Awakened To Parts Unknown.

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Hey nooow! Im here with the story I promised!

So, its been written for a long time, like a really long time.

Like a really, really long time. (grimace)

But i have had it just sitting there, growing dust and driving me bonkers from rereading it like a lost Cat lady - ( Jk, I don't care for cats).

I can already tell ill be doing some heavy revision on this piece, but I wanted to get it out there and moving on. Story building is a funny thing and getting a good hold on it can be tricky but oh so rewarding. I am SO VERY excited to introduce my next three chapters in this series -

It is muy caliente , baby!

Anyway, remember, I am, here for your interaction. You know I Love to hear comments, inputs, suggestions, and just down right ENJOYMENT. So, please keep it real with me -

VOTE - COMMENT - LIKE - SHARE - Mostly comment ( Did I mention I LOVE to see your comments?)

Seriously, its the highlight of my day!

So bring me joy so I can continue writing you smutt poetry!

Love and Appreciate you ALL! Enjoy,

- A.E ;)



For only the second time in my life, I wake suffused in a fevered heat.

Oh, Please no. . .

I moan. Heat sears a wave that scorches the surface of my skin. A growing ache awashes me in an almost painful sensation, my core clinching strongly enough to almost startle me fully awake from rest. The familiarity of my need brings flooding forth memory of its partner event from the previous salacious night. A night a certain Alpha spent satiating the demands of my traitorous body. Traitorous body.

The light is bright, where I'm at, and the sound of machinery beeping is low yet consistent. The sterile smell of medicine and antiseptic is strong and I quickly surmise I must be in a clinical setting or recovery unit of sorts. As wakefulness penetrates, the voice's of two familiar Alphas, and an unknown male, filter in.

"Our findings are premature at best, Alpha Kane" Announces the unknown voice evenly.Hmm, definitely Beta - and Male. He's doing a decent job of hiding his fear, yet I do not doubt for a second Kane and Rocrouix have not gone unawares of his inner turmoil.

"Given the limited data" He continues "I would be remiss in sharing anymore details until further information can be -"

Rocrouix's reply is heavy: "Speak"

A throat clears. Fear and nervous energy give the air a sour bit as the Beta male searches for an appropriate response.

"Her symptoms are complex" The male starts "The flux in temperature, fever, emotional distress, and your account of. . .uh her heightened response to the release of your pheromones, amongst other things, all point toward a possible estrous onset" He lays out. Tense silence ensues.



"Explain" Rocrouix demands, interrupting the pregnant silence. His sudden timbre signals an unconscious reaction through me. I whimper, the sound low and soft. As if on cue, a duo of light purrs greet me and a fluttering takes hold deep within. Like a balm, soothing calm washes over me and I'm dumbfounded how easily I respond to them.

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