❣︎ 1 - Introduction ❣︎

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☾︎.... 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ....☽︎

"3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR" We all screamed simultaneously

"Its 2020 baby, woo!" JJ hollered

My friends and I were singing, drinking and dancing at John B's.

"Hey y'all watch this!" Kie spoke, holding up a bottle of beer and pouring it into her mouth.

"Yeah you go girl!" I cheered

"Pfftt I can do better then her" JJ said, grabbing like his 7th bottle and cracked it open on the side of the table.

"Wanna bet?" Kie smirked competively.

"Yep, I'll bet on 10 dollars" He announced

"Only?" She asked

"Fine, 20 dollars" he dug out a wad of cash from his pocket.

Where the hell does he even get that from?

"Alright, here we g-"

Suddenly all the lights switched off, our music stopped playing and the TV went off, leaving us in complete darkness.

"Oh of course, just our luck" John B muttered under his breath

"Powers out" Pope exclaimed

"Yeah no shit" JJ shot back

"I'll get the torches" Kie declared
"Me too" I said, following her.

"Watch out for the serial killer" JJ called out "he stalks his victims in the dark"

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I said dismissively

I'm Cassie Maybank and this is my life. I would normally skip an introduction and all that boring shit but my life is definitely unlike any other.

First off I have a special ass older brother, JJ who also happens to be one of my best friends and he's only a year older than me. He's an absolute kleptomaniac and has major anger issues, but he's generally a really great person to be around minus the occasional toxicness.

We have a little different relationship than most siblings, yes of course we fight and argue but on the whole we're pretty close. We are very similar in looks and the only difference is that he has dull pastely blue eyes whereas I have striking, crystal blue.

Now we have our friends; we have John B the oldest of the group and basically the leader. His dad went out to see a few weeks ago and the house is pretty much empty, so we've all been staying over and partying until big John comes back.

His only flex is that he's the only one with a driving license, Kie and Pope are both learning and JJ hasn't even started but he still drives around in JB's car anyways.

We have Pope, the brains of the group and the only one who's actually matured, he's like a second brother to me.

And finally we have Kie, my absolute best friend who also serves as my big sister. I'm constantly over at her house and she always gives me her clothes that she's grown out of.  We're the only girls in the group so naturally we're close.

My real names Cassidy, I know it's a fucked up name but everyone calls me Cassie. My life is like my name, it's pretty fucked up. I just turned 15 and I'm in Freshman year, all the others are in sophomore.

I have no friends at all in my own grade and I've already been suspended 3 times since September for fighting my classmates. I mean it is their own faults, they crossed the line and having a father and brother like mine means it should be no surprise that I have a bad temper.

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌 // 𝑱𝑱'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now