❣︎ 3 - "Just two more years Cass"❣︎

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☘︎... 𝑲𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ...☘︎

I was in my bed on the verge of sleep when I heard a faint tapping on the window.

"For fucks sake" I muttered, getting up from bed.

I swear to god if it's one of the boys I'm just gonna launch their asses back out that window.

I flung open the curtain and saw that it was Cassie
"What the fuck are you doi- holy shit! Are you okay?"

I recognised almost immediately that something was up, she looked distressed and her face was tear stained - bearing in mind that this is the girl I rarely see crying.

I quickly opened the window and pulled her into me "How are you not freezing Cass?" I asked her gently.

She was just wearing grey shorts and a baggy white shirt which only made me even more concerned.

She stayed silent and kept her arms around me, she's quite nice to hug becuase she is a lot smaller than me so I can just rest my chin ontop of her head.

She sniffled quitely and was shaking ever so slightly.

"Hey what happened?" I asked holding her out by her shoulders

She let out a deep, shaky breath.

"You can tell me Cass"

"It's nothing" she finally spoke "I was just kinda cold and I wanted to come see you" she stood back and gave me a small smile. I wish it was convincing but it really wasn't.

"But Cassie...it's nearly 3am" I continued


"I want to know what happened, something at home?" I pressed

"I said I'm fine. Can we just go to sleep now, I have a geometry exam tomorrow" she mumbled

I sighed "since when do you care about exams?"

"For fucks sake Kie, please stop questioning me!" She then clambered onto my bed and turned away from me.

I reluctantly got in besides her and wrapped my arms over her small body, she flinched at first but then relaxed afterwards.

"Alright, you don't have to tell me anything but just know that I'm here for you okay?"

She nodded softly and soon fell asleep.

I rubbed my forehead anxiously.
I knew something wasn't right for them at home: for starters they always make up excuses as to why we can't hang out at theirs and I've also seen bruises on them way to often, especially JJ. Now I know that he could just be accident prone and he is, but is it really possible to "accidentally" get a bruise on your face?

And I know Cassie's struggling with this too but I think she has something deeper going on, I just can't think of what...

I'm going to find out exactly what's going on both at home and with Cass, whether it's on my own or if they finally open up.


☾︎... 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ...☽︎

"Finally!" John B exclaimed "only took you about an hour"

"Alright, alright calm down" I said, walking up to them.

"Should I get the popcorn or..." Pope giggled lightly

I just rolled my eyes at him "have you guys seen JJ yet?" I asked them

"No, I thought he would of been with you, you know seeing as your siblings and all" JB replied cockily

"I know, but I was at Kie's last night so I didn't walk with him to school" I jokingly spoke slowly and clearly as if they were 5 year olds.

"You shouldn't of gone to Kie's then" he said mockingly

"Ugh fuck you" I huffed "I guess he'll turn up soon then" I stalked off to class

Where the hell is he then? He's already late... SHIT, what if dad's done something to him after I ran away?

I stood in the middle of the bustling hall debating on whether to make a dash for it back home now, or go to class and hope that he's just late or something.

You know what, fuck it! I'm gonna go home and find my dickhead brother.

I spun around about to walk straight back outta here when I was suddenly seized by a pair of strong hands.

"Hey stop" I cowered as I was being dragged to the side "JJ! What the hell are you playing at-"

"Cassie What the fuck!?" he cut me off "I was so worried,where did you go? "

"I- I went to Kie's for the night" I muttered, not looking him in the eye. He looks pained after whatever happened to him last night and I felt guilty.

"Fucking hell, I went out to look for you because dad was rambling on about some shit of you attacking him and making a runner"

"Well...sorry but I'm not a kid anymore, I can look after myse-" He cut me off again by pulling me into a hug

"Woah, rare outburst of emotion there" I giggled, patting his back

"Shut up... I-I thought that you'd left me,I thought you ran off and that I'd never see you again" he mumbled

"Tempting" I teased, shrugging him off me "but I would never leave you, I'm not mum, if we're going anywhere then we're going together" I reassured him

"Thanks short ass" his expression changed to a smirk as gave me a playful shove

"No your just a giant" I giggled

"Nah ah ah I'm normal height, you are just incredibly short" he mocked

"Okay okay, I know I'm only 5ft2 but there's no need to rub it in my face" I scoffed

"Pfftt" he laughed. He then walked off going the exact opposite way to his class, instead he turned the corner that lead to the courtyard.

I scoffed, I would of done the same but my crusty ass geometry teacher really has a thing for me, she snitches on me to my dad for the most pathetic things. God damn it, she'd probably have the whole government on the phone if I even so much as think about sciving her lesson.

JJ and I were currently sat on the porch outside our house, the moon was shining through the darkness.

"Whats going on with you? You've suddenly gone all clingy" I mentioned

"I don't know... Just ugh, I've had enough of it all you know"

"Yeah I know what you mean" I sighed

"Just two more years Cass. As soon as I turn 18 we're leaving this hell hole, we will not be spending another second here. I'll be your legal guardian for a year until your 18th birthday"

"Sounds good to me" I smiled, I knew that this wasn't going to happen but it was nice just thinking about it.

We would never get the money for that... What we really need is just a massive stash of gold to just turn up, pftt in your dreams, thag sorta shit only happens in movies.

I looked up at him, his eyes were full of hurt that most of the time gets hidden away but there are rare moments where it comes through. I sighed when I saw the bruise on his cheek which was so kindly gifted to him yesterday.

I'm not sure what happened but today JJ's been unusually soft, I'm sure that he'll be back to normal by tomorrow...

Sorry, this book has gone off to quite a dark start but I promise the next chapter will be more cheerful and funny.

~Lexi x

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌 // 𝑱𝑱'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now