❣︎ 11 - Night Terrors ❣︎

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TW: Graphic PTSD attack

✌︎... 𝑱𝑱 𝑷𝑶𝑽...✌︎

We went to bed expecting it just be to be another regular night. I had no idea on the terrors that were about to unfold just a few hours later.

I always made sure Cassie made it into her room every night and that she locks the door. We don't run the risk of an unexpected attack whilst we're sleeping.

"G'night bitch" I joked

"Goodnight asshole" she replied

I closed her door and waited to hear the lock click before turning back and creeping to my own bedroom.

I peeked into the living room and saw dad passed out on the couch, mouth open and booze spread out all over the place.

"Fucking hell" I muttered under my breath "I can't wait for the day you finally man up and stop relying on these goddamn drugs"

I switched off the lights and headed back to my room.


I jolted awake when I heard screaming. I froze in fear. I'd never heard anything like that before. Never in my life had I heard a scream as blood curdling as that. It sounded like genuine fright and terror and suffering.


I jumped out of bed and ran like my life depended on it. I clenched my fist, ready for some serious ass beating if needed. I flung open her door and saw her kicking, screaming and crying on her bed.

"GO AWAY! NO PLEASE...PLEASEE" She shrieked, her voice raw and cracked.

She was shrunk right into the corner and her eyes were glazed over as she looked at the window. She was kicking and covering her face as if someone was physically hurting her.

"Cassie-Cassie, what's wrong?" I flustered, wrapping my arms round her trying to get her calm her down. If dad wakes up we're done for.

She flinched violently at my touch.

"NO, NO GET OFF ME" she abruptly kicked me in the stomach causing me to fly backwards in pain

"Hey it's me, JJ" I cautiously approached her again.

"JJ?" She paused "HELP ME" she yelped, clinging onto me for dear life.

"They're back, th-they're back" she sobbed uncontrollably

"Who?" I asked

"THERE, THERE" She gasped, pointing at the window.

I looked at it and saw nothing there.

"Sh sh shhh. It's okay" I soothed "it's just a bad dream, it's okay..." I held onto her tiny shaking body while she cried.

She kept on taking nervous glances at the window every few minutes as if someone, or something was coming for her.

"Don't make me go back... Please" her voice was shaky but it had reduced to barely a whisper.

"Your not going anywhere Cass, your staying here with me" I reassured her

This scared me. It's never been this bad before. And she literally fucking kicked me thinking that I was... Well whoever these people are, and they're obviously really bad if they're making Cassie this frightened.

I'm not sure what this is but I do know that it isn't just some bad nightmare. This-this is something real, I just can't figure out what...

I held onto her until she had calmed down and her great gasping sobs of terror had been reduced to tiny hiccups.

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌 // 𝑱𝑱'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now