27: Taken

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**EDITED: 5/17/17**

"What did you do? Where is my brother? Tell me now!" I ordered, expecting the woman to freeze up and tell me, like everyone under my gift does. But she just laughed and shook her head.

"Your gift does not affect me, child." I glared at her and stepped back every time she stepped towards me. "Do not be afraid, I am here to help."

"I don't need you're help. Who even are you?" I hated the fact that she was here. This woman who made me feel helpless and weak in a matter of seconds.

"You may call me Lucy. And from what I've seen, you desperately need my help, child."

"With what?"

"You wish to forget, no?"

"How'd you know that?" I jumped when my back hit a tree and watched as Lucy stood a foot away from me.

"I know many things, child. I know that guilt consumes your soul as well as fear. I also know that you wish to forget the things that cause such unhappiness in your life." Her eyes dance around from my face to the rest of the forest, like she was nervous or worried.

"How?" I repeated, making my voice sound stronger than I was feeling.

"Call it woman's intuition." She waved her hand, dismissing the thought. "The point is, Annabelle, is that I can make your wish come true. I can make you forget all your troubles and leave you guilt free. You won't have to tell your love of all the horrible things in your past. And you can be happy."

"As tempting as that sounds, I know this story. And I know there's a catch from accepting 'magical miracles' from strangers." I rolled my eyes.

"Listen to me, child!" I jumped when she yelled, her hands taking my wrists in a death grip. "I am offering you a wish and you'd be foolish to decline! This is what you want, yes? Then allow me to help you!"

"Tell me what you want from me for this 'wish'!" I shouted back, "If you don't tell me then there's no deal."

"Let's just say I'm invested in your future. "

"That's a bit vague, don't you think?" I asked sarcastically, glaring at Lucy.

"You wouldn't understand my reasonings, and it would take too long to explain. We don't have much time," her eyes flickered around again and she reached into her pouch, taking a vial of blue liquid out. It was then that I realized what she was.

"You're a witch." Lucy laughed and looked up at me, her eyes filled with amusement.

"Yes, I am. Now pay attention, this potion will allow you to forget your woes. Now, the magic in the potion is powerful, but you need to drink all of it." She held the vial out to me and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Go ahead, take it." Her voice was sweet and I felt my head spin for a moment. I took a deep breath, my hand reaching out and grabbed the vial.

"What's going to happen if I take this?" My voice shook. Lucy sighed in annoyance and put her hands around my own as it held the vial.

"This potion will make you forget your woes, like I said. All you have to do is drink it." She smiled in a sickly sweet fashion that made my stomach clench. "Do it."

The next thing I knew, the cold glass was pressed against my lips and the cold liquid slid down my throat. My head started spinning and the vial slipped out of my hand. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw fragments of my past flash by. I barely registered Lucy cackling as I fell to the ground, my head in my hands.

"You may feel a bit of a pinch, it's completely normal." I felt her hands on my shoulders and a howl ripped through the air, making my head pound. My eyes were shut tight and I felt myself fade in and out of consciousness before finally blacking out...


**3rd Person**

"Seth, just relax. We'll find her," Jacob put his hand on Seth's shoulder, trying to calm him down so he can at least top pacing and tugging at his hair.

"How?!" Seth snapped, "The woman who took her didn't even leave a scent and Alice can't see them! Jasper didn't recognize the woman and neither did anyone else! Belle is gone and we have no way to find her and unless you come up with an idea to find her then I won't relax!"

"Seth, we're doing everything we can right now. All we can do is wait," Jacob sighed and crossed his chest. He couldn't imagine what Seth  was feeling, if it was Nessie who was taken, Jacob would react just like Seth was. But that didn't mean that pacing was going to help find Belle. Everyone was out trying to find something that could give them any idea as to where Belle was taken.

"It's not enough! Belle could by dying and we have no idea where to even start looking!"

"She's not dying," The two boys looked over as Alice walked in, Rosalie trailing behind her. "I'm starting to see glimpses of Belle, but it's only her lying in a bed. I can't see anything past that yet."

"It's better than nothing," Jacob said before Seth could reply. Seth scowled, the act looking so foreign on his usually sweet face. "We'll find her." Seth could feel his patience wear so thin, it was like every second that passed he grew more and more irritated with everyone and angry with the woman who took his imprint away from him. He felt like someone was trying to pull his heart out of his chest and every second that went by, the tugging grew more aggressive. He just wanted Belle back in his arms and safe. He wanted her away from that woman and back with her family.

And he was prepared to do anything to get his imprint back.

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