05: Human

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**EDITED: 5/15/17**

(Quick A/N: things are going to get a bit strange in this chapter so be prepared!)

I looked around the house in amazement. It was so different from the closed off castle with barely any windows. I smiled to myself and marveled at how open the house felt.

Jasper led me into their living room where everyone else was. I noticed that Carlisle was back from when he left in the clearing, and Edward was without Bella for the first time since I've met him. Everyone was sitting down on a couch. I wasn't sure where to sit until Alice skipped up to me and pulled me to sit next to her, Jasper on the other side of Alice.

"I understand that you'll need a place to stay," Carlisle started off. "You're welcome to stay with us, even become part of our family." I frowned slightly.

"I wouldn't want to intrude," I shook my head, feeling everyone's gaze on me.

"It's no trouble," Esme cut me off and smiled gently. "We'd be happy to take you in."

I smiled politely at Esme, seeing compassion in her eyes. "I'd be delighted to stay, but only if that's alright with everyone else." I looked around the room as everyone smiled, that is everyone except for Edward.

"We also need to discuss your dietary habits," Carlisle brought my attention back to him. "We'd appreciate if you switch to only feeding on animals. We don't drink from humans."

"Yes, of course. I admit it won't be easy to switch, but I'll be able to do it." I heard Edward scoff and turned my head to glare at him. "Is there a problem?"

"No, of course not." Edward crossed his arms.

I scoffed and stood up. "Why do I get the feeling you don't want me here?"

Edward stood, "Maybe because you put our family in danger by being here. What if the Volturi want you back or they decide to kill us for harboring a traitor in their eyes? Not to mention the threat you pose to Bella." Like my mind hasn't already crossed the thought of the Volturi coming back.

"I'm not going to kill her," I rolled my eyes. "And if you had turned her like you were supposed to, it wouldn't even be a problem."

"That's what you say now when you aren't thirsty. But what happens when you are? Who's to say you won't lose control? Your own brother had slipped many times, no offense Jasper." He glanced at Jasper before turning his gaze back to me, completely ignoring his failure to turn the human. "What makes you so sure that you can control yourself when you get thirsty?"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about Jasper that way. It's not his fault that he slipped up, he has to feel everyone's bloodlust along with his own. Has that ever crossed your thoughts, or is your head so far up your ass you can't see what's right in front of you?" I crossed my arms and glared at Edward. "I can assure you, I'm not going to slip up."

"Please, if you weren't Jasper's sister you wouldn't even be staying with us." Edward snarled, a low growl erupting from his chest.

"Edward—" Esme tried to cut in.

"I'm sorry, but I can't risk Bella's safety." Edward cut her off. I heard Rosalie scoff as she stood, moving to stand beside me.

"Bella isn't a priority, Edward. We all know what's going to happen, you're the only one delaying the inevitable. Besides, Annabelle is Jasper's family, so she's ours. We welcomed a human into our family, do you really think we are going to turn actual family away?" I stared at Rosalie in shock, surprised that she's defending me.

"I'm sure she could manage without our help," Edward rolled his eyes.

"Stop fighting!" I yelled, frowning as I watch Rosalie and Edward snap their mouths shut, obeying my command. "I'm not going to stay here if I'm causing this much trouble." I shook my head and moved to leave the house. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I'm afraid I've overstayed my welcome."

I felt a strong hand grab my wrist, preventing me from leaving. I closed my eyes and sighed. I'm going to hate myself for doing this.

"Let go of me, Jasper." I immediately felt his hand release from my wrist. "Don't follow me" I reluctantly ordered. I can't risk Jasper losing this life for me.

I ran out of the house and into the woods. I don't know how long I ran, but I stopped when I saw a small pond. The water was clear and was surrounded by wildflowers. I was surprised I couldn't hear any animals nearby; this seems like a place they would come to get water.

I sighed, deciding to stop here for a minute. I sat down on a large rock near the edge of the water, taking off my shoes to let my feet rest in the water. I sighed and looked down at my attire. I was wearing my cloak and the Volturi crest on a necklace. I shook my head and ripped off the necklace, letting it drop into the water and sink to the bottom. I took off my cloak, now just in a simple black dress. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling my chest ache with the familiar feeling of wanting to cry.

I looked up at the sky, noticing that it was already night time. It was a cloudless night, allowing the stars to shine and the full moon to shine bright. The pond seemed to glow under the light of the full moon. I sighed in content and closed my eyes, letting my feet soak in the cool water.

My head snapped up when I heard a twig snap. I frowned and narrowed my eyes, seeing a large silhouette in the trees.

"I can see you. Why don't you come on out." I watched as a large wolf with sandy colored fur stepped out. The wolf was tall, a bit gangly and its paws looked too bit for the rest of its body, as if it were still growing into them. My eyes widened as I stared at the wolf. I tilted my head slightly when the wolf sat down a few feet away. I watched it for a moment, looking into the wolf's brown eyes and frowned. Its eyes seemed way too intelligent for an animal, almost as if it had human eyes. That's when I noticed that the wolf was staring intently at me.

I bit my lip and held out my hand, silently beckoning it over. I watched in slight awe as the wolf stood up, towering over my sitting for and lay down next to me, putting its against my hand. I started to pet it like I would a dog and laughed when it started to wag its tail.

"You're just a big ol' softie, aren't ya" I nuzzled my nose onto the top of the wolf's head. I was a bit surprised at how friendly it was. Usually animals stay away from vampires, their instances sensing how dangerous we are. I gasped when I felt its tongue lick my face and moved my face away from the wolf's. "That's disgusting!" I giggled and moved to wash it off with the water from the pond. I froze when I saw my reflection in the pond, frowning when I didn't see my usual red eyes stare back at me. I gasped when my human green eyes stared back, watching as a tear fell from my reflection's face. I brought up a hand and frowned when I noticed the tear ran down my face as well. "What's going on?" I mumbled to myself. "How am I human?"

Suddenly the wolf stood up, making me jump in surprise gasping as I felt my heart beating again. I watched as the wolf ran into the woods. I wrapped my arms around myself and looked back at my reflection in disbelief. I was scared of what was going on.

I shook my head, taking my feet out of the water. I grabbed my shoes and ran back into the woods. I sighed and leaned against a tree, noticing that I couldn't feel my heart beating anymore.

What just happened?

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